Nangong Yi took the oil bottle and joked: "The daughter of the Emperor of Heaven really has magical powers!"

Because of the tragic childhood he just told, Caiwei didn't share his knowledge, so she just snorted and then watched him roast rabbit.

The hare that was threaded on the branch was brushed with a layer of oil. When he put it back on the fire, the fire was obviously strong. He kept turning and roasting it. Soon, the rabbit was roasted to the point where oil was dripping on it. There was a sizzling sound in the fire.

Nangong Yi's arms were very strong. He held the branches and kept turning them over to roast, so that all parts of the rabbit were evenly heated. He seemed to be very skilled. Caiwei thought about why he roasted the game so well, and she felt it again. A feeling of distress.

"Come on, open your mouth!"

Caiwei held a purple-red fruit and handed it to Nangong Yi's mouth. That fruit is the most delicious fruit in space. It is sweet and juicy, with a lingering fragrance in your mouth and endless aftertaste. At least that's what she thinks.

Nangong Yi smelled the fragrance of the fruit, took another look at the fruit he had never seen before, and said with a smile: "What kind of fruit is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

Caiwei made an evil expression and said, "Do you dare to eat the poisonous fruit?"

Nangong Yi glanced sideways at her, smacked lightly, opened his mouth and took a bite. He was immediately shocked by the delicious taste of the fruit.

"Oh, the food in Tiangong is really delicious. I have never tasted such delicious fruit!"

Caiwei said arrogantly: "Of course. Otherwise, because you are the consort of the Emperor of Heaven, how can you ordinary people eat this kind of fresh fruit?"

Nangong Yi laughed: "It seems that the husband is doing the right thing by hugging the wife's thigh!"

While they were joking, the rabbit on the branch had turned golden yellow and smelled very fragrant. Caiwei sniffed and slowly came closer.

"Stay out of the way, you're burning!"

Nangong Yi gently pushed her away with his elbow.

"How long will it take to get better?"

Caiwei couldn't wait any longer, and her stomach protested loudly again and again. Nangong Yi looked at her and pointed to the creek in the distance with his chin.

"Go wash your hands first!"

Caiwei was too lazy to move and used her mind to directly get a basin of water from the space. After washing her hands, she used it to get a plate, two pairs of chopsticks and a basin of fresh fruit.

Nangong Yi gave her a strange look, took the roasted rabbit away from the volcano, cut off the legs with a dagger, and said to Caiwei, "Come on, eat, be careful not to get burned!"

Caiwei was excited, picked up the rabbit leg and took a big bite. The rabbit was roasted very delicious, charred on the outside and crispy and delicious on the inside. She thought it was better than the master chef of Bafu Restaurant's BBQ Kebab. Be delicious!

Nangong Yi took the knife and cut the rabbit meat gracefully. After cutting the roasted rabbit into pieces, he put them all on the plate.

After breaking down the rabbit, he washed his hands in the basin used by Caiwei, and took out a handkerchief for Caiwei to wipe her mouth, "Eat slowly, don't choke!"

Caiwei wiped her mouth and said vaguely, "Well, it's delicious. Why don't you eat it?"

Nangong Yi picked up a fruit, put it in front of his eyes, looked at it, and said, "Roasted rabbit can be eaten at any time. The fairy fruit in the Heavenly Palace can only be eaten when the goddess is in a good mood. If you were me, what would you choose to eat?"

As he spoke, he took a bite of the fruit gracefully.

"Hey, this guy has such a good plan!"

Caiwei snorted, wishing he would eat the fruit. She hadn't eaten all day, and now she could eat a cow, let alone a mere little rabbit!

Not long after, a whole rabbit entered Caiwei's belly perfectly. She touched her belly with satisfaction and said to Nangong Yi, "It's delicious. Keep up the good work next time!"

Nangong Yi wiped the circle of oil star on her mouth while holding back a smile, "Okay, next time when you want to eat, just let me know and I will try my best to satisfy you!"

The words 'effort' and 'satisfaction' sounded a bit wrong, but she was so short-tongued that even if she knew he was teasing her, she couldn't take it too seriously. He just bent down, picked up the water basin on the ground, and splashed it next to Nangong Yi with a "slop".

The unburned fire "stung" and was doused until not a single spark was left...

"Remember, forest protection and fire prevention will last forever, and green mountains and green waters will last forever!"

Caiwei gave him a lesson with a sullen face, put the basins and plates into the space, and left.

Nangong Yi shook his head, chuckled, and then followed...

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