Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1044 Xiangyun Wedding (1)

Caiwei's long-planned glass shop finally opened. As expected, once the glass shop opened, it immediately aroused a strong response in the capital. The sensation it caused was even greater than the sensation caused by the replacement of the prince some time ago. The streets were small. All the men, women, and children in the alley were talking about the glass shop.

In a certain teahouse, the waiter was pouring tea for a fat man and asked with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, I heard that all the windows in your house have been replaced with glass?"

Mr. Zhang was worried that no one would know that his house had replaced the glass windows and he couldn't show off to everyone. When the waiter asked, he puffed up his round belly and said with a proud "Hmm": "I made a proposal to replace it. However, this glass is really hard to buy. There were so many people queuing up to buy it, as if it was free of charge. The housekeeper in my house and his family waited in line for two days and two nights to get it. I barely bought more than 100 yuan.  "

A tea drinker next to him said: "Speaking of which, this glass is really a good thing. Although ten taels of silver a piece is a bit expensive, it is a tribute from King Mengnu Khan to our emperor. We ordinary people It’s worth spending a little more money on something that can be used by the emperor. Besides, as long as it’s not broken, it can be passed down to future generations from generation to generation!”

The waiter joked: "Haha, we small families can't compare to you big men. The little man just took a piece from someone else's hand and placed it in the middle of the window at home, so that the sun can shine through the glass. The light shines in, and the room is much brighter than before. It is also very convenient to look at the scenery outside on weekdays. Hehe, it makes my mother very happy..."

It wasn’t just his mother who was extremely happy, Caiwei was also extremely happy!

The more than 12,000 pieces of glass she brought back were sold out in less than ten days. Despite this, many people still couldn't buy it and complained. Some wealthy families can buy a piece of glass for hundreds of yuan, and if each piece of glass is sold for ten taels of silver, it can be sold for thousands of taels at once.

The money flow was so low that it entered Caiwei's pocket. With the income from Shenxing and Zhenbao Pavilion, Caiwei had quietly squeezed into the top three of the Dajin rich list.

Huo Yuan witnessed the spectacular scene of rush to buy glass, and also knew about the popular market of participating in the business. He smiled and said to Cai Wei: "It seems that the title of the richest man in the Jin Dynasty will soon have a new owner!"

However, Caiwei is not interested in the richest man, Shenma. She is where she is today thanks to the help of the space artifact. Therefore, she has always adhered to the creed of Master Cihai to "be kind to others and help the common people", and wanted to use the money to solidly serve the world. People do something good!

The nursing homes in Qingyun Town, Lin'an Prefecture and Qingxian County are all running very well. With her help, many poor homeless people have a place to settle down. She plans to open one in the capital as well. , in the future, one will be opened in every state, prefecture, and county, so that the poor people who have no support for the elderly and children with no support will have a place to stay.

It only took three days to set up a nursing home in the capital. The address was an old house she bought privately. After some repairs and improvements, more than 60 elderly people living alone, abandoned babies, orphans and people with physical disabilities were admitted. They were all wandering poor people. Once they had a 'home' to rely on, they were all extremely grateful to Caiwei.

The manager of the support hall is Mo Liancheng's mother, Aunt Mo. With Caiwei's help, Aunt Mo finally recovered from the elixir given by Old Turtle.

The son has made great achievements and has become the right-hand man of the future crown princess. The family no longer has to worry about food and drink. She is in a happy mood and her body has been well taken care of. Naturally, she is in good health and eats deliciously. She is filial. Her son also bought her two mothers-in-law to take care of her. Today, Aunt Mo seems to be a completely different person. Her face is full of spring breeze and she is smiling brightly all day long. She gets up early every day and after eating with her son, she goes to the house with her son. The son left home together, rode in his own carriage, and went to work in the nursing home in high spirits!

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