Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1048 Xiangyun Wedding (5)

When Shopkeeper Ma heard this, he felt as if a ladle of cold water had been poured on him, and his spine went cold. When he told her these things in the restaurant in the past, it was to show off how much money he could make and how rich he was. Skill, I didn't expect that now it would become his seven inches, and she would hold it tightly!

Seeing that Shopkeeper Ma had become wilted, Mrs. Bai returned to her white lotus look and said delicately: "Master, I have given birth to a son for you, so don't think about all the things you have and don't have. Mrs. Mo is old, doesn't know how to be charming, and doesn't know how to serve you. What else do you want her to do? Why don't we, a family of three, live a good life?"

Of course it’s not good!

If Bai Shi hadn't threatened him, Shopkeeper Ma would have felt a little guilty towards Bai Shi, but after hearing the words that came out of her mouth, he only felt disgust and hatred towards her. With such a scheming, vicious and poisonous snake living next to his pillow, it's strange that he can settle down and live with her!

However, out of disgust, he really didn't dare to challenge her. If this woman really exposed him for his personal gain, he, the big shopkeeper, would be the boss, and he would have to face a lawsuit!

Shopkeeper Ma calmed down and did not dare to mention the matter of divorcing his wife again. But although Ren had calmed down, his heart started to itch as if he had been scratched by a cat. Mr. Mo's indifferent and capable appearance always made him feel itchy. From time to time, she appeared in his mind. She had been his wife for more than ten years, but he had never enjoyed her kind of charm. This made him very unwilling but helpless!

I spent several days in such an uneasy mood. In the blink of an eye, it was the sixth day of July. In two days, it would be the wedding day of the daughter of the Marquis of Jian'an and the second son of the Duke of Liguo. Ju Fu had already taken over. After accepting the order from Duke Li's Mansion, he went to Duke Li's Mansion to prepare a banquet on the 8th.

Duke Liguo's residence was the queen's natal family and the future emperor's ancestral home. He did not dare to slack off at all, so he had to put aside his personal matters first and concentrate on preparing the wedding banquet.

Caiwei also made some preparations for their wedding gifts. The congratulatory gift to Duke Li Guo's Mansion was two pots of orchids in full bloom.

Snow lotus is an extremely precious flower. It grows on a mountain with an altitude of 4,500 meters in the far north. It grows between the cliffs. The flowers are light blue, have a delicate and elegant fragrance, and are long-lasting. Empress Mo is a favorite flower. After hearing about this flower, they sent dozens of people to the north to look for it. After four years, they finally found one on the snow-capped mountain cliffs outside the pass. They transported it all the way back to Kyoto and kept it like a treasure in the Jade Kun Palace. middle.

Unfortunately, the queen was grounded for the first two months, and Lan Xuelian died due to neglect. After the empress was lifted from the ban, she grieved for this for a long time and wrote many poems to commemorate her. She also ordered the palace painter to draw orchid snow lotus and hang it in her palace to comfort her pain of missing her.

It can be said that the gift she gave is definitely unique in Dajin. Although it is just flowers and trees, it cannot be bought with any amount of money!

She hesitated for a long time about the gift to Xiangyun, and finally decided to give her the violet jade set from Zhenbao Pavilion as a wedding gift. Although this set of gifts was a bit expensive, it made her feel a little sad, but thinking about that day She pretended to be unconscious in the hunting ground, and Xiangyun fought with Helanna desperately for her. In addition, Xiangyun will be Fei'er's sister-in-law in the future. This set of jewelry is still worth giving away.

After making the arrangements, she went to Zhenbao Pavilion specifically, planning to marry the set of noodles back to her, and give it to her when she went to visit Xiangyun's house tomorrow.

When we arrived at the Zhenbao Pavilion, as soon as we entered the shop, shopkeeper Feng came up to us happily and said with a somewhat proud look: "My boss, our set of violet heads and faces has been sold!"

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