Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1049 Xiangyun Wedding (6)

Caiwei was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously shouted: "Why did it just sell it?"

Shopkeeper Feng straightened his back and said as if to praise his merits: "It was only after the young master's repeated persuasion that the young master was moved and bought it. Haha, it's seven thousand three hundred taels of silver. The young master has already saved it." The cabinet is up..."

After saying that, he looked at Caiwei expectantly, as if waiting for the big boss's praise.

Caiwei twitched her lips and said, "You are the best. Thank you for your hard work. Of course, you will also get the commission!"

Shopkeeper Feng received the compliment from his boss, smiled and cupped his hands, and said humbly: "My boss is so polite, it's not hard for me, I deserve it..." Although he was modest, his face was rosy!

Rubbing her forehead and walking out of the Treasure Pavilion, Caiwei immediately called out the parrot and asked him to find the whereabouts of the set of headsets. No matter who bought it, she just added some money to buy it back, since it was for others. Wedding gifts should be given to people who like them.

Not long after, the parrot flew back and told Caiwei in a squeaky voice: "The owner bought it from Mr. Mo Zili of Duke Li Guo's Mansion and now hides it in his study."

Caiwei chuckled. This Mo Zili probably heard from some servant that his future wife liked this set of hair and noodles but had no money to buy it, so he bought it to please her. It seems, This Mr. Zili is a man who knows how to be romantic, but she just messed around and worried about it.

The next day, Caiwei drove to the Marquis of Jian'an's Mansion to visit Xiangyun, who was about to leave the cabinet. She had already set a date and was going to leave the cabinet next month. As a rule, she couldn't attend banquets or anything like that, so she Come to see her one day in advance and give her the wedding gift you prepared.

About to get married, Xiangyun seemed very nervous. When he saw Caiwei, he said stupidly: "Caiwei, why don't you help me escape? I don't want to get married, I'm so scared..."

Caiwei sat down next to her, handed her her congratulatory gift, and joked with a smile: "If I were you, I would just wait until the wedding is over and collect the congratulatory gifts before running away. What a loss it would be if I ran away now, otherwise Not to mention, let’s talk about that set of violet jade jewelry. It’s worth seven thousand three hundred taels. I bought it eagerly and waited to give it to you, but you ran away again. Isn’t it a pity that the things were in vain? Are you blind to other people's thoughts?"

Xiangyun said in a daze: "Caiwei, what are you talking about? Who bought that set of noodles and wanted to give it to me?"

Caiwei said "Hi" and said in a long voice: "Who else is of course Mr. Zili from Duke Li's Mansion? You said that he is a grown man who bought such a set of appearances, so he would not keep it for himself. Wear it."

After saying that, he covered his mouth and started laughing. Then he pointed at the box in Xiangyun's hand and said, "I originally wanted to use that set of things as a gift for my sister, but unfortunately someone took away my love, so I had to use this one." It's okay, sister, don't dislike it."

Xiangyun finally understood what she was talking about and immediately blushed. She quickly lowered her head, opened the box Caiwei sent, and pretended to look at the gift to hide her embarrassment.

What Caiwei gave her was a melo bead the size of a dragon's eye. It was about the same size as Queen Mo's. It was orange, round and warm, exuding a soft light. If you look closely, you could see that it was The structure of the flame pattern on the beads is really beautiful!

"Caiwei, these beads must be very expensive, you are so kind to me!" Xiangyun raised his head and said with great emotion.

Caiwei smiled and said, "Look at you, that's too far away, isn't it? We are good friends, and this friendship cannot be measured by any amount of money!"

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