Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1059 Princess Chaoyue (7)

Listening to the increasingly unbearable yelling and cursing outside, Shopkeeper Ma couldn't sit still and ran outside.

Over the past few years, Mrs. Bai has always shown herself to be gentle and considerate. Now, with her arms akimbo and a ferocious face, she cursed some curse words that even a prostitute could not utter. Shopkeeper Ma was stunned when she heard this, as if she had been struck by lightning. If he hadn't heard it with his own ears and seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that the woman who had been sleeping with him for three years actually looked like this.

"Old bitch, even though he has been divorced, he still refuses to die peacefully. He is so old that he still seduces men, leading them to come here in broad daylight and engage in prostitution in broad daylight..."

"The ones at home are short of dozens of kilograms of lamp oil, millet, and several bolts of fabric. It must be this old guy who doesn't live up to his expectations and wants to buy sex from you. Bah! He's a lot older, and the ones he sells are quite expensive. Shameless..."

Shopkeeper Ma was shocked for a long time, and finally couldn't listen any more. He pointed at Mr. Bai and roared: "Shrew, get out of here, you are a shameful thing, get out of here!"

Mr. Bai is a fierce person, and his former tenderness and weakness were all pretended. Now that he has broken his face and comes to the door, he will naturally not be afraid of him. Seeing Shopkeeper Ma scolding her, she immediately spat hard in Shopkeeper Ma's face.

"Bah, I'm going to get out? I'm the wife of your three matchmakers and six betrothals, and you're having sex with that shameless man behind your back. Why should you let me get out? Today, I not only won't get out, but you also want to let me go." Everyone, let's see what you two adulterers are really like. You tell that old slut to get out and let me have sex with her once, then she will know how powerful I am——"

"Shut up, you dirty bitch!"

Shopkeeper Ma was so angry that his scalp was numb when he heard the dirty words in Bai's mouth. He roared angrily and was about to slap Bai.

Bai Shi was not afraid, she threw the child into the car, cried and rushed towards the shopkeeper, grabbing the collar of shopkeeper Ma and yelling, "You beat me, you beat me to death, if you can't beat me to death today, I will Just go to your employer and ask them to comment!"

This sentence was full of threats. Shopkeeper Ma naturally understood what it meant. He looked at Bai who was acting like a fool and was trembling with anger. He stared at it with red eyes for a long time. Finally, he put down his hand helplessly and said, " "Hey," he said, "retribution, I spoiled my concubine, destroyed my wife, and abandoned my wife. I deserve to marry such a shrew, a broom star——"

When Bai heard that shopkeeper Ma had called her a broom star, she lay on the ground and cried: "Old bastard, when you've had enough fun, I'll call you a broom star. I wonder who said I'm his sweetheart in the first place. Little baby, do you want to keep that thing inside my body all day long?"

Hearing Mr. Bai say such shameless words, Shopkeeper Ma was angry and ashamed. His old face was twisted and turned into a purple-red liver color, and he just wished he could find a crack in the ground to get in.

The two of them were making a fuss when the door of the nursing hall opened with a creak. Mrs. Mo walked out with a dark face and said to Mrs. Bai: "You came just in time. Take your things back and keep an eye on you from now on." Man, don't let him run around here all day long, and you will save yourself from biting everywhere like a mad dog!"

As she spoke, several women came out behind her carrying five pieces of cloth, two baskets of charcoal, a load of millet and twenty kilograms of lamp oil.

Mrs. Mo took out another piece of silver weighing about one tael from her purse, threw it in front of shopkeeper Ma, and said in a cold voice: "This is the money for your thirty kilograms of pork. There is no need to change it. From now on, we will keep it safe." River water, life and death will never meet again..."

Life and death will never meet again!

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