Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1060 Princess Chaoyue (8)

One sentence, said with absolute ruthlessness and no room for mercy, made Shopkeeper Ma's heart tremble and feel a little painful.

When Mrs. Bai heard Mrs. Mo calling her a mad dog, she was so angry that she was jumping. She also saw that the man secretly gave Mrs. Mo so many things behind her back, and her eyes were even redder. When she saw Shopkeeper Ma looking at Mrs. Mo's back, With a heartbroken and lost expression, she suddenly lost control of her emotions. She rushed over, glanced from behind and grabbed Mo's hair bun, pulled her down, and greeted her face like crazy.

"Old bitch, I asked you to seduce other people's men..."

Mrs. Mo was suddenly grabbed by her and pulled down. She screamed and hurriedly covered her face. Upon seeing this, several women from the nursing hall hurriedly came to help. The maids and women beside Mrs. Bai also rushed up. Joining the fighting ranks, the two groups struggled together and became a ball...

"Gah, it's a fight, it's a fight!"

Above the head, the parrot screamed "quacking" and reported this important information to his master.

At this moment, Caiwei had already returned home in the car. When she learned about the fight between Mr. Mo and Mr. Bai, she immediately ordered the parrot to say, "Watch closely. If Madam Mo suffers a loss, move your claws." !"

"Yes, I understand, Master!"

The parrot agreed and looked down.


The master is really good at predicting things, and Aunt Mo is really at a disadvantage. After all, she is old and has just recovered from a serious illness. Unlike Bai, who is young and has brute strength.

At this moment, she had been pushed to the ground by Bai Shi. Bai Shi sat on her body, took off her hands that were protecting her head and face, and scratched her face with his hands.

Seeing that Mo was about to be disfigured, it was too late but not too late. Just when Bai's hand was about to scratch Mo, shopkeeper Ma suddenly rushed over and slapped Bai's face with a wind-leak palm.

With a 'pop' sound, Bai Shi was pushed far away and rolled twice with inertia. The moment she rolled, a green parrot flew past Bai Shi's cheek, as fast as her. No one saw it. The moment it flew by, it used its golden claws to scratch Bai's face hard, causing Bai's skin to turn outwards and blood to flow profusely.

A sudden sharp pain hit her face, making Bai scream like a pig being killed.


She screamed and lay on the ground, trying to cover her wounds with her hands, but she was horrified to find that she was hurt so deeply that even her bones were exposed.

boom! The sky is falling!

It’s over, disfigured!

Bai screamed in despair, rolled his eyes, and fainted...

The situation here stopped, and the parrot flew back to Caiwei and told Caiwei about the situation there.

"Master, Shopkeeper Ma took his shrew home, and Aunt Mo was also taken home by Shopkeeper Mo."

"Are you okay, Aunt Mo?"

"It's okay, I'm watching everything."

In the carriage, Mo Liancheng glanced at Aunt Mo worriedly and said cautiously: "Mom, are you okay?"

Aunt Mo smiled and said: "Mom is fine, don't worry, but that shrew, for some reason, her face was disfigured!"

"That's right! She brought it upon herself. Who allowed her to come to your door to bully you and make you angry?"

Mentioning the Bai family, Mo Liancheng gritted his teeth. If it weren't for this bad woman, his family would still be intact. Although he and his mother are living well now, he will never forget the pain they experienced!

Seeing her son's expression of bitterness and hatred, Aunt Mo patted his hand and said, "Mom is not angry. If someone like her can be angry, wouldn't it be that my life has been in vain. Okay, follow me." Mom, tell me about your medical clinic!"

Mo Liancheng looked at his mother for a while and found that she was really not angry, so he felt relieved and told his mother some strange things that happened in the hospital...

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