Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1061 Mo Ziqi’s appointment (1)

In early August, the Mu family moved into a large house with four entrances on Jinma Street in the capital.

This house was part of the betrothal gift given by Nangong Yi to the Mu family. Mu Zhongqing originally planned to be taken back by Caiwei as a dowry, but Caiwei insisted on giving the house to her parents.

There are three reasons:

First, because it is close to the Royal Academy, it is convenient for Wen'er and Wu'er to go to and from school. Wen'er and Wu'er have been scheduled to go to the Royal Academy at the beginning of next month under Nangong Yi's recommendation, and Jinma Street is only less than 10 meters away from the Royal Academy. The distance of one mile is a great convenience for the two little kids. Although they can live in Zhuangzi and commute back and forth, it would be too much of a waste to spend more than an hour on the road every day, and it’s winter. , walking on the road for so long, the children also suffered.

Second: The summer is approaching, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Du Shi has been suffering from the heat since she was pregnant. She has been using ice at home, but Zhuangzi is more than 20 miles away from the capital. When the ice was transported to Zhuangzi, the loss was huge. Moreover, there was no ice cellar at home, and there was no way to store it, so not only did it cost a lot of money, but it was often not enough to use. For Du's health, she had to move to a big house on Jinma Street that had an ice cellar for convenience.

Third, Caiwei will get married in half a month. Nangong Yi said that going to Zhuangzi to marry her is too far and not good-looking, so it is better to marry here, which is more convenient and looks decent.

Of course, this is only a superficial reason. The actual reason is that it is too hot today. He rides a horse for more than 20 miles every night and another 20 miles in the morning. The heat is so uncomfortable that he can’t bear to leave. So, he looks for It would be of great benefit to me to bring her closer as an excuse!

With so many reasons, and the fact that the family's business is in the city, it is more convenient to live in the city to take care of the business. Therefore, after several refusals, Mu Zhongqing had no choice but to accept the kindness of his daughter and son-in-law, reluctantly. Moved the family into this big house.

Naturally, many people came to congratulate the relocation. Except for the newly married couple who were not suitable to see people at the moment, almost everyone else in the Liguo Duke's Mansion arrived; because of the relationship between Xiangyun and Caiwei, the Jian'an Marquis Mansion also came with The Mu family was very close, and the Marquis of Jian'an even sent his two sons and the Marquis of Jian'an's wife to congratulate him.

In addition, Zhao Hongwang, the governor of Yingtian Mansion, also came with his wife Zhao, and Han Zhicai, the head of the Hanlin Academy, also came with his wife.

Today's Mu family is no longer the Mu family that opened a restaurant and shop in the past, but the future relatives of the emperor. There is not only a future queen, but also a future young lady of the Duke Li's mansion.

These alone are enough for the Mu family to join the upper class society in the capital, and their status will never be lower than that of any noble family.

Mu Zhongqing has now also taken up a post in the Hanlin Academy. Although he is only an editor of the Hanlin Academy and his position is not high, he is still an official of the imperial court. With such a profound background, promotion is only a matter of time.

However, Mu Zhongqing was very low-key and never held himself back because of his daughter's status. He was modest, conscientious and conscientious in his work. He was also very friendly, kind, modest and courteous to his colleagues. Therefore, he was very popular in the Hanlin Academy. Today he moved. , colleagues from the Hanlin Academy also came to congratulate him.

For a time, the Mu Mansion was filled with guests and it was extremely lively!

Caiwei originally planned to go to Lingbei in the next few days to transport glass again. It had been a month since her last trip to Lingbei. The glass shop at home had been out of stock for a long time, and customers came to inquire every day. Chasing the goods, Caiwei felt anxious.

Moreover, there must be a lot of glass stored in Lingbei. Tuoba Liang's commercial street was also under construction. She didn't know how far the construction was, and she wanted to go and see it.

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