Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1073 Never accept a concubine in the Sixth Palace (6)

"Miss, Yao Ji has come to deliver furniture to you. Do you want to go and check it out for yourself?"

"Okay, I'll go over after combing my hair!"

Tomorrow is Caiwei's canonization ceremony, and her dowry is almost ready. In fact, it stands to reason that a queen does not need to prepare a dowry when she marries an emperor. She remembers that she read in a book in her previous life that when a woman marries the emperor, she The queen will also buy a dowry, but the cost of the purchase will be "paid" by the emperor's family.

For example, when Emperor Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty Zai Chun married Arut, the daughter of Chongqi, the minister of the Hanlin Academy, Arut's dowry was purchased by the palace. At that time, the empress dowagers Ci'an and Cixi presided over the arrangements for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. , the ministers of the Ministry of Rites discussed and formulated it in detail; when Emperor Guangxu Zaitian married Empress Dowager Cixi’s niece Jingfen, Jingfen’s dowry was also purchased with money from the palace, amounting to six to seven hundred kilograms, and it took six or seven days to carry the dowry into the palace. time.

However, Caiwei doesn't want the royal family to buy a dowry. Many of her treasures can be taken out in a grand way at this time. It is convenient for her to use, and she also comes here to show those who are blind in the palace to prevent them from bullying her. Low origin!

"Miss, it's already combed. Do you like it?"

Chunliu held a mirror in one hand and looked behind her from left to right so that she could clearly see the effect of the entire bun.

Caiwei looked at it through the mirror in her hand, nodded and said, "Very good!"

Chunliu asked again: "What jewelry are you wearing today, young lady?"

With that said, she opened the first layer of the jewelry box, and a box full of gleaming jewelry came into view. Caiwei picked up an auspicious hairpin and handed it to Chunliu's hand: "That's it!"

After she inserted the hairpin for herself, Caiwei stood up and followed them to the front yard to see the furniture sent by Yao Ji.

At this time, all the furniture has been placed in the second courtyard. According to the rules, two days before the wedding, the parents of the parents will take the furniture to the new house to set up the bed first, and only the bedding will be brought the day before the wedding. , sheets and quilts to make the bed.

However, Caiwei married into the royal family and became the queen of the Jin Dynasty, so these folk rules naturally did not apply. The palace had its own rules, and it was not the mother's family's turn to comment.

The style of the furniture is novel and unique. The materials used are either golden rosewood or golden nanmu. The workmanship is excellent, the lines are smooth and powerful, and the carvings are meticulous. The patterns are all designed according to Caiwei, a combination of ancient and modern, a combination of Chinese and Western. The style looks both beautiful and practical!

Mrs. Du held the handkerchief and said in shock: "They all say that the Tian family is rich, and it is true, otherwise no one would be able to prepare such a decent set of property!"

Mom thought it was the wood from Nangong Yi, but Caiwei didn't explain it to her. She couldn't explain it clearly, so she just made a mistake.

Doctor Dou was also amazed and said: "The style of this furniture is also very novel. The old slave has been in the palace for many years and has been to many palaces of empresses and princesses, but has never seen such furniture. It is really strange!" "

Sister-in-law Liu also came over, studied the sofa for a long time, and said, "Why is the backrest of this bed leaning at an angle? It's really weird."

While everyone was talking lively, Aunt Zhang's son suddenly ran in and reported: "Madam, eldest lady, someone is coming from the palace!"

The visitor was a female official sent by Queen Mo. As usual, she came to check the body of the future queen to see if she was a virgin, whether she had body odor, hemorrhoids and other serious diseases, and whether there were any physical defects...

In fact, the female official only came here the day before the canonization, just to go through the process, because Queen Mo knew very well that no matter what Caiwei looked like, Nangong Yi was determined to marry her. She sent someone here this time because For the sake of archiving in the palace, I had to show off.

The female officer in the palace sent someone to check Caiwei's body, which was understandable in accordance with the routine, but Caiwei was very resistant. She was a modern woman with a strong ego, so she couldn't take off her clothes. Spreading it out and letting a group of old women pinch, touch, smell and look at it was a kind of personal insult to her. She couldn't accept it and resisted it from the bottom of her heart, so she flatly refused.

The female official came here with the intention of conferring the title of queen, but she didn't expect to be rejected by the future queen. She didn't dare to offend, and after being rejected by the future queen, she left with a low eyebrow.

Du Shi said a little worriedly: "Weier, actually, let them check it to prove our innocence."

Caiwei said disapprovingly: "No need, my daughter has her own opinion!"

A few days ago, Caiwei was still very aggressive and ready to explode at any time. Today, she finally got better. She didn't dare to make her unhappy too much. Seeing that she refused, she just let it go.

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