Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1074 The Throne Wedding (1)

At two o'clock in the Yin hour, in the prince's mansion.

Nangong Yi has already stood up and is changing clothes under several eunuchs. He wears a middle coat and trousers, Luo Ji single clothes, Xuan Yi Jiang Shang, and a trousers jacket. The collar and sleeves carried a long and rich fragrance, which made him feel dazed for a moment.

Today is August 15th, the day he ascends to the throne and the day he marries Xiao Nizi. He had been planning for the former for more than 20 years, but he didn't feel happy at all at this time. The latter just broke into his life accidentally, but he was overjoyed and felt like he had been reborn!

This strange feeling made him confused and secretly happy. It was so wonderful!

He raised his arms and asked the eunuch to put on the outermost garment for him, aligning the left and right edges of the garment, fastening the deep garment belt on the inside, straightening out the folds of the garment, and finally wrapping the cloud-embroidered robe on it. Embellished belt. All this was done quietly, and only the rustle of clothing could be heard.

The eunuch who served him was personally selected by his mother. His surname was Yang Mingyong. He was her mother's confidant. He was also extremely loyal to Nangong Yi and would never do anything to serve Nangong Yi. No matter how tiring and tedious it is, we must complete it with all our strength.

He held the Heavenly Crown, stayed on Nangong Yi's head, and then put on him the five-color ribbon, yellow earth bone, white feather, green crimson edge, five colors, four hundred poems... and then held out a seven-foot-long Emperor's Sword.

He muttered: "Today is the grand day for Your Highness to ascend the throne, and it is also the day for Your Highness's wedding. The Empress has given instructions, telling Your Highness to pay more attention to everything, so as not to make any mistakes..."

While chattering, he knelt at Nangong Yi's feet and put on thick red shoes for him who was barefoot.

It took half an hour to put on this set of gon, mian, 黻, 珽, belt, sash, frame, 舄, heng, 𬘘, 籱, and 纮.

And Yang Yong also chattered for half an hour.

"There are many grand ceremonies today. My Majesty has given instructions to your Highness not to eat, lest during the ceremony..."

"Yang Yong, your name is Yang Yong, right!" New Emperor Nangong Yi interrupted him with a cool voice.

"Yes, the slave's nickname is Yang Yong."

"Okay, I'll shut you up for three hours..."


The five drums started to rise, the fires filled the door, the generals were about to go to the court, the pavilion was like a city, and the new emperor's enthronement ceremony began.

The third prince Nangong Yi ascended the throne as the new emperor, changed the name of the country to Shunde, and was called Emperor Wu of Jin. He respected his father Emperor Jin Ming as the Supreme Emperor, his mother Empress Mo as the Queen Mother, and Queen Mother Ji as the Queen Mother. The concubines in the original harem had children as their attendants After that, all the childless ones were sent to Yiqiu Garden to spend their remaining years...

At this time, it was just dawn.

The Mu Mansion on Jinma Street is shrouded in a festive red. Looking from a distance, the enchanting sky is like a fiery red ocean, submerging the flowers, plants, trees, painted beams and carved buildings, leaving only brilliant and dazzling colors.

Caiwei's courtyard was densely packed with people, all with beaming faces. Some of them were servants of the Mu family, while others were sent by the palace's Internal Affairs Office to take care of the queen's wedding.

In the bedroom, Caiwei had already woken up and was sitting in front of the dressing table, applying makeup in the mirror.

It was her mother Du who put makeup on her. At this time, Du's eyes were red. Since today was an auspicious day, she did not dare to cry, but she felt very aggrieved. Although her daughter married the emperor, she did not dare to cry. , and she is loved by thousands of people, but the daughter she raised with her own hands is going to belong to someone else's family. From now on, she can no longer live in the same house and eat on the same table with her as before. As a mother, she Yes, it is inevitable to feel disappointed and reluctant.

"Weier, after entering the palace, you must respect the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother, be kind to the servants, and don't make enemies in the palace..."

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