Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1075 The Throne Wedding (2)

"After entering the palace, don't worry about your family. Your father and I will be fine. Wen'er and Wu'er have also entered the Royal Academy. Fei'er is the safest one..."

"You are still young, you haven't even got haircuts yet, and your body hasn't grown yet, so you have to be more restrained and don't damage your body. You also know that mother didn't want you to get married so early... ."

At the end of the sentence, Du Shi couldn't hold it back and her tears fell down.

Mrs. Qiao, the wife of Mr. Han, the director of the Hanlin Academy, was also there. Seeing this situation, she hurriedly tried to persuade her: "Sister Du, please don't do this. Our sister Wei is about to go to Fenghu. If she is What if you make me cry and mess up my makeup?"

"Isn't that right? Today is a happy day. Wei'er has married so well and will become the mother of our country in the future. The in-laws should be happy. "

Wu, the eldest lady of Duke Li's palace, got up early and came over to help. Seeing Du's sadness, she also hurriedly came over to persuade her to make peace.

"It's not that bad, look at me, haha, I made everyone laugh..."

Mrs. Du was afraid of arousing her daughter's sadness and felt that it would be unlucky for her to cry now. She hurriedly wiped away her tears and interrupted with a smile: "Where is the phoenix crown? Bring the phoenix crown quickly."

Huanqiu and Chunliu had been standing aside holding the phoenix crown and Xiapei. When they heard the lady calling her phoenix crown, Huanqiu hurriedly stepped forward and presented the phoenix crown in the tray.

The phoenix crown is dazzling, with a luminous pearl in the center. The luminous pearl is smooth, round and light green. Next to the big luminous pearl, there are two small luminous pearls, surrounded by 108 white pearls, like stars holding the moon. It sets off the luminous pearl and makes it even more radiant. Doesn’t the unique luminous pearl on the phoenix crown symbolize the supreme authority of the Queen?

"Oh, this phoenix crown is really beautiful!"

"Tsk tsk, look at that luminous pearl. I'm afraid we in the Jin Kingdom will never be able to find another pearl bigger than this!"

In the dormitory, the guests who came to see off the bride were talking a lot. Mrs. Zhao of Yingtianfu Yin smiled and said: "Isn't this big night pearl a symbol of the queen of the Jin Dynasty? There are three thousand beauties in the harem, the most dazzling and the most beautiful." The most eye-catching thing is always the Queen, and all other women are the Queen's foils. They are dimmed under the brilliance of the Queen..."

Outside, it was already bright. The sun was rising high, shining brightly on the festive Mu Mansion. Outside the gate, Uncle Zhang quickly ran to the second gate and shouted to the Nail Lady who was guarding there: "You go Take a look inside to see if the eldest lady has packed up. The emperor's enthronement ceremony is almost over and he will come over soon to welcome the bride..."

When Aunt Zhang heard this, she ran inside.

Everyone in the room was stunned when they heard that the emperor was coming to welcome the bride in person. During folk weddings, it was customary for the groom to wear a big red flower and follow the wedding procession to marry the bride. But the emperor and the emperor will not go to welcome them in person when they get married.

Although the emperor's marriage also involves welcoming the bride, few emperors in the past dynasties went to greet the bride in person. At least there was no emperor in the Jin Dynasty who went to the queen's home to greet the bride. They always sent suitable ministers to go, and sometimes asked the wife's family members to go there. Delivered to your door.

Queen Mo, no, it should be Queen Mother Mo now. It was Prime Minister Ning who went to welcome the bride on behalf of the emperor.

And now the emperor actually wants to come to the Mu Mansion to welcome the bride in person, which shows that the emperor loves the queen!

After everyone was stunned for a moment, they all congratulated each other. Mrs. Du was also pleasantly surprised. She was so sad that she immediately ran away to Java. With a face full of joy, she said, "Where is Xiapei? Come on, Xiapei, and there are apples." ...."

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