Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1076 The Throne Wedding (3)

For a moment, the people in the room were in chaos. Those who put phoenix crowns on Caiwei, those who wore Xia pei, those who stuffed apples into her hands, and those who touched up makeup on her face were all very busy...

Outside the gate, Mu Zhongqing, who had just heard that the new emperor was coming to welcome his bride, and his colleagues who came to see him off were guarding the door, waiting for the emperor's arrival.

At this time, Mu Zhongqing felt disappointed and reluctant to let go of his married daughter, but the fact that the emperor valued his daughter so much made him feel a little more happy besides being melancholy!

Colleagues in the Hanlin Academy looked at the abbot in awe, wondering, what will be the future of the abbot?

Just as they were guessing, a group of eunuchs ran over panting and clapping their hands. This was a reminder that the emperor was about to arrive. Everyone immediately stood up and prepared to receive him. Uncle Zhang was sent inside again to urge the queen to come out quickly.

After a while, a burst of drum music came faintly. It was vaguely identifiable as "Feng Qiu Huang", a song specially used by emperors of the Jin Dynasty to marry their queens. In the melodious music, there was also the heavy and sonorous sound of horse hooves.

It turned out that the new emperor was personally welcoming the bride. In order to ensure the new emperor's personal safety, the Ministry of War sent eight thousand cavalry to escort him. The eight thousand cavalry surrounded the city. The emperor's dragon chariot, the guardian of the regiment, came together with the new emperor's wedding team. Mu family.

"I see you, Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty!"

At the door, Mu Zhongqing led his colleagues who came to see him off and knelt down to pay homage to the new emperor.

"Everyone loves you all your life!"

A clear voice came out from inside the dragon chariot. Nangong Yi was wearing a bright red wedding robe, sitting upright behind the bead curtain, his eyes looking at the door for a moment.

At this time, Caiwei had dressed up, and at the urging of the eunuch, supported by Huanqiu and Chunliu, she slowly walked out.

Behind him, four nuns and eunuchs and maids sent by the palace followed closely. The ladies who came to see off the bride followed closely behind the eunuchs and maids, and went out all the way...

Outside the palace gate, a song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" has been played. The eunuch in charge of the ceremony is holding the imperial edict and waiting for the Queen to come out. After picking the weeds, the eunuch in charge immediately unfolds the edict and loudly says: "The imperial edict has arrived, Mu Shi has collected it." Wei takes the order!"

Immediately, a palace maid brought a mat to the table. Caiwei knelt down in the direction of the dragon chariot, and everyone also knelt down.

"My daughter Mu Caiwei accepts the order!"

Although Caiwei didn't like the ancient ritual of kneeling down frequently, she couldn't refuse the canonization gift, and she couldn't make any mistakes. Even if she hated the kneeling ritual in her heart, she had to pretend to be virtuous and virtuous at the moment. A gentle and respectful look.

"According to the destiny of heaven, the emperor issued an edict: I only follow the original heaven and earth. The beginning of my work must depend on Kun, the transformation of the family and the country, and the external governance of the internal position. It should be matched according to the compatibility, and it is appropriate to be in the right position to hold honor. Consultation The Ermu clan picked up the silkworms, was gentle and loving, and showed gentleness and kindness. She was well-equipped with the six elements and showed her virtuousness for a long time. She promoted the four religions in the palace and allowed the mother's rituals to be followed throughout the world. At the mercy of the empress dowager, she was enshrined in a book of treasures. The queen, who is of the same body as me, inherits the ancestral temple, the mother world, and the six palaces. The country will never change its owner in one day, and the six palaces will never accept concubines. How wonderful..."

As usual, after the eunuch has read out the imperial edict, everyone should kowtow and give thanks, shouting: "Long live, long live, long live!"

However, there was silence at the gate of Mu Mansion. Everyone was completely confused. What? Did you hear it right just now? The emperor seemed to have said, "A country never changes its owner, and the Sixth Palace will never accept a concubine." This sentence, this, how is this possible?

Looking at the Jin Dynasty, there is no emperor who only marries one woman in his life. Let alone the emperor, it is an ordinary wealthy family. Which man does not have three wives and four concubines, and only guards one woman in his life? It is really unseen and unheard of, unless he is Those whose families are too poor to open the door are farmers who have only five buckets of rice and still want to marry a concubine.

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