Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1077 The Throne Wedding (4)

Everyone was dumbfounded, but Caiwei understood. Under the bright red hijab, she curled up the corners of her mouth and bowed so willingly for the first time in her life.

"I accept the decree and thank you for your kindness. Long live your Majesty!"

At her prompting, everyone at the door woke up and shouted: "Long live the emperor, long live the queen, a thousand lives, a thousand lives, a thousand lives—"

"The queen is in peace, and all the ministers should also be in peace!"

In the dragon chariot, Emperor Wu of Jin's voice was as gentle as jade. Without seeing his dragon face, one could tell just by listening to his voice that his holy heart was overjoyed at this moment.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone stood up, and Caiwei slowly walked towards the dragon chariot with the support of Huanqiu and Chunliu.

The dragon chariot is the emperor's exclusive vehicle. It is gorgeous and grand. The brocade carriage with bright yellow embroidered dragons symbolizes the emperor's supreme status. The top of the chariot is carved with a coiled dragon spitting beads. The golden coiled dragon is dazzling under the sunlight. The light was shining brightly, and the luminous pearl held in the dragon's mouth shone brightly, making the golden dragon sacred and solemn.

In front of the dragon chariot, a bead curtain hangs, each grain of it is crystal clear, reflecting the gleaming brilliance.

Yang Yong, the eunuch beside the emperor, said respectfully: "Please ask the empress to board the dragon chariot!"

Caiwei was about to board the chariot, but Nangong Yi had already lifted the bead curtain and stretched out his hand to her.

He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, with a heartfelt smile on his handsome face, "Weier, come!"

He called her in a voice that only two people could hear. Caiwei was covered with a hijab. Although she couldn't see his face, she could feel the warm smile on his face. Under the hijab, she saw a familiar hand. , her hands are fair and slender, beautiful, born as an artist's hands, even her nails are rounded and carefully trimmed. Not even a single flaw.

Caiwei put her little hand into the big palm shyly and sweetly, and slowly hurt the dragon chariot.

The bead curtain fell, and the voice of the mountain shouted again from outside: "Farewell to the Emperor, Farewell to the Queen!"

At both ends of the street, curtains were lined up, and not a single commoner could be seen. There was a soldier every three steps, and an official every five steps. Everyone was careful. Today was the wedding day of the new emperor, and the new emperor attached great importance to this wedding. , if there is a slight mistake, I am afraid that the nine tribes will be punished. Therefore, these soldiers and generals are very energetic and do not blink an eye...

The dragon chariot drove slowly towards the palace.

The streets were quiet and deserted, with only the sound of silk and bamboo lingering in the air, accompanied by the neat sound of horse hooves...

In the dragon chariot, Nangong Yi lifted Cai Wei's hijab, looked at Cai Wei's bright and charming face, and raised the corners of her lips.

"Weier, you are mine!"

Caiwei raised her eyes and glared at him angrily: "You are the emperor, why are you still so frivolous? It's time to call yourself me now. When you are in front of the ministers, be more careful and don't say the wrong thing." Nothing makes people laugh."

Nangong Yi took her hand, kissed it, and said with a smile: "My husband naturally knows that in front of all the ministers, I am the emperor of Jin Dynasty, but in front of Wei'er, I will always be Nangong Yi!"

Unintentionally, Caiwei was moved again. She held Nangong Yi's hand and whispered, "Fool, why are you so nice to me?"

Nangong Yi smiled and said: "I have spent so much effort to marry the daughter-in-law. If I am not good to you, who will I be good to?"

Caiwei pursed her lips and said solemnly: "Nangong Yi, I will also be kind to you!"

Nangong Yi chuckled lightly, put his arms around her shoulders, put his forehead against hers, and said in a warm voice: "Well, we are just like you said, we will be a pair for the rest of our lives, raising eyebrows together and growing old together... ."

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