Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1078 The Throne Wedding (5)

When Zheng'anmen arrived, the dragon chariot stopped and the sound of silk and bamboo could be heard. Nangong Yi covered Caiwei's head again and whispered: "I will go down later to receive congratulations from all the officials. You don't need to be nervous. Just hold my hand." Just use your hands. "

Under the hijab, Caiwei smiled brightly. Of course she would not be nervous. Not to mention these ministers, even in front of thousands of troops, she would not be nervous at all. However, this kind of friendship is rare for men, so she went along with it. He agreed: "I know."

The solemn ceremonial music finally stopped, and Yang Yong's singing voice sounded outside the dragon chariot: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Queen, are here to greet you."

The eunuchs' voices also sounded: "The emperor and the queen have arrived, and all the officials are congratulating them."

Outside Zheng'an Gate, there were high-ranking officials of the second rank and above in the imperial court. After hearing the eunuchs' orders, they all knelt on the green bricks and kowtowed loudly in the direction of the dragon chariot: "I congratulate the emperor and empress, and wish the emperor and empress the best." May your marriage be a happy one for a hundred years, and may your country be extended as soon as possible!"

Nangong Yi took Caiwei's hand, slowly walked down from the dragon's gate, and stepped onto the white jade stone steps.

Under the noon sun, a pair of tall and straight figures stood side by side, making everything in the world eclipse. Although the queen was covered with Xia Pei, her exquisite figure stood beside the tall and straight emperor. The perfect combination, bright yellow and bright red, are both dazzling colors, releasing a dazzling brilliance at this time.

"Everyone is safe!"

Nangong Yi said in a deep voice, with the calmness and domineering characteristic of a superior person in his tone!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Queens!"

At the auspicious moment, the official official of Qin Tianjian spoke loudly: "Gift----"

As soon as the voice fell, Prime Minister Ning and General Li immediately joined forces and presented a three-foot-tall red coral ornament. Coral is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. It has the properties of warding off evil and nobleness, and represents auspiciousness and nobility. , the ministers of the DPRK had gone to great lengths to forcefully buy it from a merchant who went to sea.

The Jin Dynasty has always had the custom of officials giving gifts to the queen. Therefore, from the day when the emperor announced his accession to the throne on August 15th, the officials began to look for and purchase corals of such good quality and size, even in the palace. No, so this thing given by the ministers is really valuable!

Huanqiu stepped forward and ordered several eunuchs to carry the coral down. Caiwei said, "Thank you for your trouble!"

"It is my duty to do my best for the Queen, and I dare not take any credit!"

The officials raised their hands and replied, "Of course these people include Mr. Li Kaifeng who wants to fight for the country. The position of Cai Wei should have been his daughter. Today, it was taken by someone else. How can he be willing to accept it?" In order not to reveal his emotions, he lowered his head from beginning to end and did not look at the emperor and queen.

After all the officials had congratulated and presented gifts, Nangong Yi took Caiwei back to the dragon chariot to pay homage to the Supreme Emperor.

"I respectfully send you off to the Emperor and the Queen!"

The officials knelt down again. Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief. It would be better if it was over as soon as possible. Her neck was almost bent by the heavy phoenix crown. At this moment, if she hadn't held the apple in one hand, she would have been accepted by Nangong. Yi pulled her, and she really wanted to reach out and rub her neck. It was estimated that her neck would be stiff tomorrow, and she was so hungry. It was already afternoon, and she hadn't had a drop of water yet.

Oh, what a torturous wedding!

Nangong Yi took Caiwei's hand down the white jade steps, climbed onto the dragon chariot again, passed through Zheng'an Gate, and went to Qixia Palace where the Supreme Emperor lived.

The Supreme Emperor has now become obsessed with practicing immortality. He stays in Qixia Palace all day and refuses to see anyone. Even his son's enthronement and wedding, he didn't pay attention to it. When he went to see him, he even avoided seeing him. He only sent Zhu Zhong came out, rewarded them with a Guanyin statue, and sent them away.

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