Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1083 Wait until I catch you (3)

Nangong Yi helped Caiwei up, and regardless of the queen's shocked eyes, he calmly bent down and straightened her skirt. After straightening it, he stood upright calmly.

This behavior of a wife slave quickly aroused strong reactions from several concubines present, especially Concubine Li. She had been in the palace for half her life, except for the two nights when the emperor slept with her when she first entered the palace. During the remaining twenty years, They are all alone, alone.

As a woman, of course she also longs for this kind of love between husband and wife, and the feeling of respecting each other as guests. Although she is in the position of concubine and enjoys the glory and wealth, she can face the long nights of loneliness alone and survive these decades with difficulty. This kind of loneliness The life she lived in was a ruthless brilliance to her psychology and physiology, causing serious distortions in her heart.

She can't see others showing affection!

Especially when a man loves a woman to such an extent!

It almost made her eyes turn red with jealousy!

Although Princess Yao also envied Caiwei's luck, her mentality was much calmer than that of Princess Li. She just covered her mouth with a handkerchief and chuckled twice, saying, "The emperor and the queen are really in love!"

Concubine Huo Xian smiled but did not dare to say anything.Concubine Li was much meaner: "Don't let the emperor feel sorry for the queen because she was just tired!"

Everyone here can understand what this sentence means. Nangong Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, with a faint smile in his evil eyes. When he looked at the speaker, he felt a deep domineering look. With a faint bloodthirsty murderous intention, it makes people feel terrified!

Caiwei glanced at him. Although she didn't say anything, Nangong Yi could understand.

"The affairs of the harem, women's affairs, should be settled by her, without his intervention!"

After receiving the woman's hint, Nangong Yi slowly turned his head, no longer looking at the old woman who had been perverted by the loneliness of the palace.

Caiwei didn't pay attention to her, as if she wasn't worth their time. She leaned down to Empress Dowager Mo and said, "Mother, I'm getting married today, so I got up early and didn't dare to eat. I'm so troubled." For most of the day, my physical strength was a little weak. In order to avoid being discourteous in front of my mother and worrying my mother, I went back to the palace to rest for a while. After I felt better, I went to see my mother in the palace. I hope my mother will forgive me!"

Caiwei explained in detail that Queen Mother Mo was Nangong Yi's mother and the person closest to Nangong Yi besides her. Therefore, even though she didn't like Queen Mother Mo, she still didn't want to have any discord with her, lest Nangong Yi get into trouble. Yi is in trouble.

Empress Dowager Mo was originally unhappy that Caiwei was late and had her slapped in the face in front of all the concubines. She originally wanted to give her a few words to vent her anger. However, after hearing her explanation, It was like getting a ladder to go down the steps, swallowing the words that scolded her. After all, this daughter is the son's favorite, and scolding this woman will make her son unhappy and make him dissatisfied with her father. She is not willing to do such a thing that is not worth the gain!

Empress Mo said considerately: "If you feel unwell, go back and rest early. I will ask Yuan Yao to come and take a look at you later. You can take good care of yourself and try to give birth to the emperor's heir as soon as possible."

Caiwei said respectfully: "Yes!" She took two steps forward, took the tea cup from Shaoyao's hand, and knelt down in front of Queen Mo again: "Mother, please drink tea!"

The daughter-in-law served tea, and Empress Dowager Mo felt a little refreshed. She took the tea cup and took a sip, then handed the cup to the hand of a palace maid next to her. She casually pulled out a nine-tailed phoenix hairpin on her head, and personally It was inserted into Caiwei's head as a greeting gift to her daughter-in-law. He also taught: "In the future, the emperor will rely on you to serve him. You should be more diligent and take good care of the emperor's daily life. You should also take good care of your body and strive to conceive the dragon seed as soon as possible and provide the emperor with heirs."

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