Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1084 Wait until I catch you (4)

Caiwei really has a headache over the matter of not having an heir. She is only fourteen years old. Giving birth to a child at such a young age will definitely damage her vitality. She also feels sorry for God's love for her and the gift he gave her. A tender little body.

Although there was a hundred resistances in her heart, she still agreed softly and obediently: "Yes, I will obey the teachings of my mother!"

Seeing Caiwei's respectful attitude, Queen Mo felt a little happy and said, "Get up, the Queen Mother hasn't gone yet, go and kowtow to the Queen Mother!"

After just saying the word "get up", Nangong Yi had already come over, picked up Caiwei with his own hands, and helped her adjust her skirt. After hearing that the Queen Mother asked them to see the Queen Mother, they bowed and took Caiwei out.

As soon as her front legs left, Mrs. Li smiled and said: "Tsk tsk, our empress is really proud and noble. Even a canonization ceremony can make her tired and take a rest. How can such a weak woman give birth to a strong child?" Where is the little prince coming?"

Empress Dowager Mo said coolly: "It is not your turn as a concubine to comment on the matter of the emperor's heir. You have been talking more and more recently. It seems that the last time I copied too few Buddhist scriptures, it failed to make your heart pure."

Concubine Li said: "The Queen Mother made a mistake in blaming this concubine. I am just concerned and confused. This morning I heard that our emperor issued an edict saying that we will never accept concubines in the harem. I thought that the queen is so weak. If If there are no other concubines in the harem, how can the emperor spread the branches and leaves? I really don’t know what the emperor was thinking at the time and actually issued such an appalling edict."

Concubine Yao said with a smile: "What's scary is that our emperor values ​​love and justice and is really interested in our queen!"

Concubine Li smiled and said: "Why does our emperor value love and justice? Let me see, it is the charm of our empress that not only attracted our emperor to be devoted to her, but even the great Khan Saknu of Liaodan also fell in love with her. She never forgets it, tsk tsk, it’s really amazing. By the way, there’s also Concubine Huo’s younger brother, Huo, the richest man in the Jin Dynasty..."

"Taifei Li, please kneel down and pay your respects!"

Queen Mo's voice became colder, "From now on, unless summoned by me, I will stay in Yiqiu Garden to think about my mistakes, and I am not allowed to move around at will!"

Queen Mo interrupted Li Taifei coldly. Although she did not explicitly say that she was grounded, the facts already showed that Li Taifei was grounded indefinitely.

Concubine Li stood up, blessed the queen in vain, twisted her waist and went out.

Empress Mo was different from Concubine Jin. Her methods of punishing the concubines did not have any deterrent effect. She did not ground the concubines or punish them for copying Buddhist scriptures. She would not, like Concubine Jin, frequently take lives and destroy nine tribes.

Therefore, Mrs. Li is not afraid of her, and she dares to be confident and talk freely in front of her, without worrying about what will happen to her!

Concubine Yao and Concubine Huo noticed that the Empress Dowager was angry, so they hurriedly stood up to say goodbye and quietly went out, leaving Empress Dowager Mo alone in the palace feeling depressed!

She had known for a long time that Nangong Yi had promised to live with Mu Caiwei forever, but she never expected that her son would come true. He actually announced this agreement to the world with great fanfare, which caused dissatisfaction among many meritorious officials who planned to send their daughters to the palace. If he had not announced it to the world, he could marry her again at any time; but he had announced it to the world and married her again. A person will be seen as not keeping his word, which will invisibly reduce his prestige as the king of a country.

She knew about her son that Nangong Yijuan would not have the absurd idea of ​​'two people for life' out of thin air. These ideas must have been instilled in him by Mu Caiwei, and the edict of never accepting concubines in the harem was also She must have instigated him to award the award. This woman was so ambitious. Thinking of this, Queen Mother Mo's mood instantly turned gloomy...

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