Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1085 Wait until I catch you (5)

It is said that men are like pots and women are like cups. How can a teapot only match one cup? It is really ridiculous...


Nangong Yi and Cai Wei left Yukun Palace and went to Shouning Palace where the Empress Dowager lived.

The Empress Dowager has not cared about the affairs of the harem for many years. Except for her mother's family's affairs, she has only been involved in eating and drinking.

Caiwei and Nangong Yi arrived at Shouning Palace, and the nun in charge welcomed them in.

There are three rooms in the heating pavilion where the Empress Dowager lives. They are connected to each other, perhaps for the convenience of heating. The east side is separated by twenty-four flower and bird screens, and the west side is separated by a Duobao Pavilion.

Entering the center of the Nuan Pavilion, there is a white jade Guanyin statue that is more than a foot long. The white jade Guanyin is placed in a Buddhist niche carved from agarwood. Under the candlelight, the jade statue of Guanyin looks down at all living beings in the hall with kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

In front of the shrine is a long table, on which are placed a coral tower, a diamond sutra, and wooden fish from nanmu. There is also a bunch of burning incense in a three-legged incense burner, and a chisel is placed next to it. A silver tray with floral patterns serves some fresh fruits.

The Queen Mother is sitting on the Babu bed. She is thin and thin, with gray hair. She looks to be sixty or seventy years old. She is wearing a blue brocade undecorated mandarin. There is no red hairpin, gold or jade hair on her head. It's a kind of thing, it's just a forehead wipe, it looks very plain, but it's full of energy.

Nangong Yi took Caiwei to bow down, and then offered tea to the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager took Caiwei's tea and gave Caiwei an emerald Avalokitesvara, telling her to place it in the inner room and offer it three sticks of incense every day. It would be beneficial.

After admonishing a few words, the Empress Dowager suddenly said to Nangong Yi: "I heard that Fu'er's child doesn't have an official position now. He is not young anymore. He should share the emperor's worries. If the emperor has anything suitable, Just send him to do the errands, as a child, he will mature after a few experiences."

The Fu'er in the mouth of the Empress Dowager was the British prince Ji Wanfu. He was once beaten by Caiwei in Juford, and he also ordered several prostitutes to beat Caiwei, but the beating was unsuccessful.

Nangong Yi had also heard about Ji Wanfu's ridiculous things a long time ago. This guy was a dandy who hung out in Huajie and Liuxiang all day long. He was the king of the Fireworks Village and the leader of the Yuanyang Association. He gave him the business of gambling. He will definitely be able to do a good job, but if the reception of envoys is left to him, in the end, he may have to invite all those envoys to the brothel...

Nangong Yi would look down upon such a person, so he would naturally not use him to do things. Besides, he had never been close to the Empress Dowager, and he would not take her requests to heart.

Growing up, the Empress Dowager, the grandmother, had never cared for his grandson once. When he was a child, there were several times when the mother and son were forced into desperation by Concubine Jin Guifei and Nangong Shi. As a young boy, he ran to Shouning Palace to ask the Empress Dowager for help. She sought asylum, but was ruthlessly rejected by the Empress Dowager.

Because at that time, she always thought that Nangong Shi would ascend the throne. Therefore, in order to avoid being suspected by Concubine Jin and her son, she had been deliberately alienating Nangong Yi and her son, and had been very indifferent to them. Therefore, in Nangong Yi's heart, The Queen Mother and the Royal Grandmother are just a title, and there is no emotional component in it!

"Now all the officials are performing their own duties, and there is no suitable position for him!" Nangong Yi said indifferently.

The eyes of the Empress Dowager dimmed for a moment. How she treated Nangong Yi before, she naturally knew that fate is not as good as fate. Who would have expected that Nangong Yi would be the one to ascend the Dabao in the end. If she had known this, she would have given it to herself She and her mother's family should leave some room to avoid being so ruthless towards Nangong Yi's mother and son. Now that things have happened, she really regrets it...

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