Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1086 Wait until I catch you (6)

Although she had not treated Nangong Yi and her son well before, she still held on to a glimmer of hope, hoping that Nangong Yi and her son could abide by their filial piety and continue to be filial to her regardless of past grudges. Because no matter what, she is Nangong Yi's direct grandmother, and the king of the Jin Dynasty has always ruled the world with filial piety, so even if she did something wrong in the past, he should obey her words and be respectful.

In order to test him, she deliberately mentioned her natal family, but it turned out that Nangong Yi had a grudge.

He rejected her directly and did not agree to her request. In other words, he would not take care of her natal family in the future. Maybe, he would even take action on her natal family to take revenge on her!

The Empress Dowager sat stiffly for a while, and said unwillingly: "The Ai family heard that the envoys from various countries who came to celebrate the emperor's enthronement have already stayed in the royal post house. Fu'er is the most sociable, so why not let Fu'er Go and entertain the envoys!"

Nangong Yi said expressionlessly: "The Empress Dowager said it was too late. I have already assigned the matter of entertaining the envoys to someone else. That person has done a good job, so I can't change him at will!"

At this point, the Empress Dowager fully understood that the Emperor was holding a grudge. Her heart went cold, her back was covered with sweat, and an ominous premonition arose...

Nangong Yi didn't stay here for long. He only offered tea and took Caiwei back to his Chengqian Palace.

Returning to Chengqian Palace, Caiwei quickly threw off the embroidered shoes on her feet and fell down on the hollow carved rosewood couch with jewels, shouting: "I'm exhausted, I want to sleep!"

Nangong Yi got up at the second watch today. He has been busy until now and is a little tired. When he saw Caiwei lying on the couch, as lazy as a cat, he took off his boots and got on the couch. He hugged Caiwei and said: "I will sleep with you for my husband!"


Caiwei responded, wrapped her arms around his waist, put her head against his chest, and the two hugged each other without any violation.

The sleeping couch in Chengqian Palace is an exquisite wooden kang, with a full-ceiling wooden bed cover made of rosewood with hollow carvings on the outside. The bed is large, like a small room, rectangular in shape, with a three-sided screen bed surround. It is black with purple in color, simple and deep, and exudes an elegant luster. The inner room is slightly dark, and the black dragon bed is very quiet. When you lie on it, you can quickly calm down, think about yourself, ask yourself, lie down relaxedly, and recuperate your body and mind.

The couch is covered with rush mattresses. Rush is a kind of medicinal herb with sweet nature, light taste and slightly cold taste. It has the effect of reducing heart fire and ventilating blood. According to traditional Chinese medicine, when the heart fire decreases and the lung qi descends, the qi pulses will be unobstructed, which is called purging the lungs; the heart governs the blood qi, the heart fire will decrease, and the blood qi will flow smoothly, then the blood will be harmonious and the water source will be smooth. The rush grass is soft, elastic and tough. When people sleep on it, it is very soft and comfortable. It can not only help you fall asleep quickly, but also treat internal and external diseases, and has a very good medicinal effect. Moreover, it can treat diseases. Disease-free ventilation and fitness.

Lying on such a bed, the two of them quickly fell asleep peacefully...

The maid in charge of Chengqian Palace was stunned to see the bold and bold emperor and empress. It took a while to wake up. She quietly approached the emperor's bed, put down the bright red Baizi bed curtain, and went to the bathroom behind. The hot water is ready in the room.

The emperor and the queen are in their youth, they will have enough rest later, and they will definitely not stop at night!


The time goes back to half a month ago

General Li's personal bodyguard arrived in Shengjing, Liaodan, and learned that the Great Khan of Liaodan had gone to Lingbei. He did not dare to delay, and immediately set off overnight to the royal city in Lingbei to find the Great Khan of Liaodan.

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