Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1092 The wedding night (5)

Caiwei didn't think so. In her eyes, slaves were just like free people. They were creatures with feelings and thoughts. She would never be able to let eunuchs and maids serve around her when she was intimate with a man. Tonight was On their wedding night, the man must not make a fuss, so she must warn him in advance.

"Let them all leave and don't allow them to come in to serve, otherwise you are not allowed to touch me!"

Her voice was so low that only he could hear her. Her cheeks were still red when she spoke, and her big watery eyes were full of uncompromising warning.

Nangong Yi said playfully: "So, I can touch you after they go out?"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said to Yang Yong: "Please exit, I will come in to serve you when I call you later."


Yang Yong, along with the maids and eunuchs, responded and filed out with their heads lowered. Soon, only Nangong Yi and Cai Wei were left in the bridal chamber.

"Madam, my husband can touch you now!"

Nangong Yi's hands fell on her body. "Well, not bad, it's grown again!"

Caiwei hurriedly pulled off the two evil claws and said seriously: "Nangong Yi, can we discuss it?"

"What to discuss?"

The man's claws were pulled off, but he didn't force himself and walked slowly towards the table.

"Look, I'm only fourteen years old this year, and I haven't even gotten haircut yet. If I start having sex so early, it will hurt my body. So, I think..."

"I have already asked Judge Yao about this matter."

The man walked to the table, picked up the wine bottle on the table, poured two glasses of wine, and handed it to Caiwei, "You are already fourteen years old, even Tiankui, this matter will not hurt you. If I can't bear to hurt myself..."

"Huh? Really?"

Caiwei asked stupidly. In her subconscious, she was still a child at the age of fourteen. This man insisted on being like her. He was really a gangster. If it had been in her time, this man would have been fooled. Catch him and sentence him to life imprisonment.

"Of course it's true. Come on, madam, let's have a drink first!"

Caiwei took the small wine glass and put it around his arm solemnly.

Drinking a cup of wine is an essential ritual for men and women to get married in ancient times. On the bridal night, if both parties drink a cup of wine, it means that they will become one, love each other, and share joys and sorrows. This ceremony was of great significance, and Caiwei certainly would not refuse. After drinking the wine, Nangong Yi was in a good mood, collected the wine glass, and put it on the table.

"Madam, your husband has gone to take a bath. Madam, please be patient for a moment. When your husband comes back later, he will love you well..."

The last two words he said were extremely ambiguous, and Caiwei naturally knew what they meant. Her heart jumped a few times, and it took a long time to calm down.

Now that you're married to him, just accept it. Although it's a little early, aren't there children abroad who start doing this at the age of twelve or thirteen?

After thinking about it, she felt more calm. While he was away, she took the opportunity to call Chunliu and asked Chunliu to help her wring her hair.

Chunliu is the old man Caiwei brought to the capital from Qingyun Town, and he has always been worried about Caiwei. Seeing that there was no one in the bedroom, she whispered: "Master, the Emperor has gone to take a bath, should you go in and serve him? The maid just saw the two girls Chunqiao and Chunjiao following the Emperor in. According to the maid, , those two cheap maids are showing off, they don’t seem to be worry-free, you have to be on guard."

Of course Caiwei could see that Chunqiao and Chunjiao were not worry-free. Not only them, but none of the maids in Chengqian Palace were worry-free.

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