Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1093 The wedding night (6)

She had long seen that Empress Dowager Mo was probably too disgusted with her desire to dominate the emperor, so when selecting people for Chengqian Palace, she went up to the eldest maids Peiyao and Baguio who were in charge, and went down to the courtyard. Sasao's little maids are all outstanding beauties, young, charming, aloof, enchanting, fat and thin, each with their own strengths. Empress Mo believes that with these charming beauties, her son will be born sooner or later. It broke the idea of ​​"there is only one person in the harem".

Caiwei had just entered the palace today, so naturally she couldn't send everyone away so quickly. However, a blood exchange in her palace was inevitable, but not today.

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Nangong Yi's voice coming from the clean room at the back: "Let's all go out. From now on, I don't have to wait in the clean room. I just need to prepare hot water..."

Caiwei had expected this for a long time, and said to Chunliu with a smile: "You heard it, your lady is sensible and knows him better than you. You have been busy all day. You are tired. Go and have a rest." !"

Chunliu was stunned for a moment, then laughed happily and said: "Master, the emperor really hurts you to the core. Now I can feel relieved. I will retire..."

After Chunliu left, Caiwei asked Old Turtle for a contraceptive and harmless pill. While Nangong Yi stopped taking it, as soon as she finished eating, her body suddenly became hot, making her mouth dry. My tongue is dry and I can no longer wear my clothes.

It was probably a side effect of the pills, she thought. She poured a cup of tea herself, raised her neck, and drank it. However, it was still very hot...

In the clean room, Nangong Yi's drunkenness gradually increased, making his blood boil with desire, his blood veins swelled, and there seemed to be a devil screaming in his body. He walked out in a hurry, wearing only a bright red bathrobe.

The bathrobe only had a belt tied diagonally around the waist, loosely exposing most of his strong chest. His lower body was still stained with water, causing his robe to stick to his body. When Caiwei looked up, she saw those charming pair of The eyes of all living beings are green, like wolves that have been hungry for several days.

However, I have to say that Nangong Yi is indeed very attractive. Even if he looks dissatisfied with desire, he still looks like he is turning all living beings upside down.

His long black hair was not dry yet, hanging casually on his shoulders. His face, as warm as jade, was now blushing, adding a bit of seductiveness. His thin lips were slightly pursed, as if he was holding back. What, there was a light pink luster on the lips, and during the heavy breathing, a faint floral fragrance came out, and it smelled so good.

Seeing that Caiwei's mouth was dry, she inhaled hard, and her body seemed to feel a touch of heat. She secretly wondered what was going on, why looking at this man reminded her of some island country movies she had watched in her previous life, those hot and spicy movies. The camera kept flashing in her mind, but the protagonists became him and her!

The cake buyer actually felt like spring!

Nangong Yi saw her blushing face and looking at him in confusion, her lips as fresh and delicate as flowers and grass. He couldn't help but feel his chest suffocate. He strode over, picked her up and walked towards the couch.

As soon as she came into contact with Caiwei, Caiwei hugged him tightly uncontrollably. The man's sexy chest and strong six-pack abs pressed against her body, making her want to rush forward and overwhelm him, but she always felt that something was wrong. Like children? My breathing is getting faster and faster, and my body is getting hotter and hotter. I seem to be looking for something to relieve myself, but my mind is filled with those erotic pictures. What is going on?

"Nangong Yi..."

Because of her emotion, when she spoke, her voice was more like a whisper. The warm breath she exhaled while speaking blew on his chest, causing Nangong Yi's whole body to feel numb and his chest was suffocated. He could no longer care about anything else. , hugged her and pressed her onto the couch.

"Nangong Yi, how could... be like this..."

After finally saying this, a tearing sound suddenly sounded, and she suddenly felt cool. The brand new set of silver-red undergarments on her body had been broken into pieces...

Outside the palace, four eunuchs and four maids on night duty listened expressionlessly to the roars of men and the gasps of women in the palace. The two sounds were intertwined and intertwined, forming a blushing and heart-pounding song. As the music played, the breeze blew up the gauze curtains, and ambergris lingered in the air. In the spacious bedroom, the fragrance was fragrant and charming...

It's almost dawn.

The soft red bed tent of Hundred Sons and Thousands of Grandsons gradually stopped swinging, and the shameful sounds in the tent also stopped. It was like a sudden storm, and the bridal chamber was so quiet that it made people think.

Caiwei was so exhausted that her voice became hoarse. She used up her last bit of strength. She could no longer hold on and fell into a deep sleep...

Nangong Yi opened his eyes as dark as ink and looked at Xiao Nizi who had fallen asleep. Thinking of the night of lingering and his Xiao Nizi's provocativeness, a satisfied smile appeared on the corners of his lips. He lowered his head and gently He pecked the lips of the woman in his arms. It turns out that the most beautiful thing in the world is to do something that is so lingering with the one you love.

so good!

He let out a sigh of contentment. He wanted too much last night, otherwise, haha...

His eyes caught the sleeping little girl with burning eyes. His fiery gaze kept moving downwards and touched her smooth jade body. There were actually patches of bruises. When he saw those bruises, his heart felt small. Feeling guilty.

Hey, forget it, after all, she is still young, and doing it too often will hurt her body.

Nangong Yi reluctantly got up, carried her to the clean room, and washed her himself.

Soon it was time for her to go to the Shuntian Hall to receive the congratulations from the Imperial Lady. In order to let her rest for a while, he not only helped her clean the place, but also personally helped her wipe her delicate body after washing. However, Wherever his eyes touched, he saw a delicate flower that had just bloomed with dew, and was suddenly destroyed by the wind and rain, and he suddenly felt regretful.

He didn't expect to hurt her so badly. He had also heard before that a woman's first time would be very painful. When the men in the military camp said dirty things, they also said that his mother-in-law cried during the wedding. He thought it was those men who were bragging because they were shouting and so on, and they were all talking nonsense to promote their own prowess.

However, for the sake of safety, he was smart and coaxed her to drink the hothouse wine, thinking that as long as she became interested, it would naturally not hurt. It hurts once.

He thought that he had done everything perfectly and that he was extremely happy and satisfied, but he didn't expect that his little girl would be like this. Can she still walk? There won't be any sequelae in the future, right? Nangong Yi was really distressed!

Caiwei slept deeply, as if she wouldn't wake up even if the sky fell...

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