Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1094 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law compete (1)

It was soon time to meet Mrs. Gaoming. The Queen Mother had already come to remind her several times. Seeing that Caiwei was sleeping soundly, Nangong Yi couldn't bear to wake her up, so he simply stopped calling her.

He got out of bed and called out: "Yang Yong!"

Yang Yong, who had been guarding the door, was circling around like an ant on a hot pot. Hearing the emperor's voice, he hurriedly ran in. Before the emperor could speak, he said with a grimace: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother has urged you several times." Come on, you and the queen should hurry up, those ladies are already here and are waiting..."

Before he could finish nagging, Nangong Yi interrupted her coolly: "Go on, the Queen is ill. She cannot accept the congratulations from all the royal ladies today. She orders them to go back to their respective homes and come back to see you in three days." !"

what? What?

Yang Yong's mouth grew into an 'O' shape, and he was stunned and couldn't move. Did he hear it right? Just for the queen to sleep more, the emperor actually refused to let the queen accept the congratulations from the congratulations. This is also Is that too pampering?

In a daze, the emperor came over with a killing look and said in a cold voice, "Is there anything else?"

"Uh... no, no..."

Yang Yong waved his hand, bowed his body and exited.

Under the service of the young eunuchs, Nangong Yi got dressed, walked outside, and said to Huanqiu and Chunliu: "It is my decree that no one is allowed to disturb the queen, and let her sleep until she wakes up naturally!"


Chunliu and Huanqiu agreed in a low voice. Although the emperor's decree was a bit fussy, they were very happy that the emperor could be so considerate to the queen. However, Chunliu was a little confused. The emperor was obviously so kind to the queen, but he was so kind to the queen. Why did it make the queen cry last night? She really heard it outside. The queen was crying and begging for mercy. She was crying so pitifully...

Empress Dowager Mo was furious when she learned that Empress Mu had not accepted the congratulations from Mrs. Gaoming.

"She is too pretentious. She came here when she was young. I have never heard of a woman who couldn't get up after sleeping with her husband for one night. This is obviously arrogance and pampering!"

Peiyao whispered: "The Queen and the Emperor struggled all night yesterday, and I think they really can't hold it anymore..."

"What? Such a thing could happen?"

When Queen Mo heard that the two of them had been struggling all night, she slapped the table and stood up, her face turning red with anger.

As a queen, she was not dignified and prudent. She didn't know how to advise the emperor to exercise self-discipline. Instead, she confused the emperor and stayed up all night. How could this be the behavior of a queen? This was clearly done by the seductive Daji and the evil concubine who brought disaster to the country!

"Come here, show me to Chengqian Palace!"

Queen Mo was angry. With a dark face, she ordered the driver to go straight to Chengqian Palace...

At this time, Nangong Yi had already gone to the morning court. The Chengqian Palace was quiet. Caiwei was like a sleeping beauty, as if she would sleep for ten thousand years. When Empress Dowager Mo's messenger arrived, she was still unaware. Asleep!

"The Queen Mother has arrived, Queen Mu will pick her up----"

As soon as Feng Chaan arrived at the door of Chengqian Palace, Chen Shangxi straightened his neck and started shouting.

When the palace maids in Chengqian Palace saw the Queen Mother approaching with a dark face, they knew it was bad and hurriedly knelt down to pay homage to the Queen Mother.

However, no one dared to enter the palace to wake up the queen. Before leaving, the emperor specifically issued an order, "No one is allowed to disturb the queen, let her sleep until she wakes up naturally. If they go to call the queen, wouldn't they be disobeying the order and making fun of their own heads?"

Empress Dowager Mo was even more angry when she saw that Mu Caiwei didn't come out and none of these people moved. She had chosen these people. In just one day, they dared to disobey her. It was really outrageous!

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