Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1095 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law compete (2)

"Meng Huaian, go call your master out!"

Queen Mother Mo ordered in a cold voice.Meng Huaian was the chief eunuch she personally selected for Chengqian Palace. This man looked loyal and honest, and he should not betray her so quickly.

Unexpectedly, Meng Huaian knelt down with a bang, kowtowed repeatedly and begged: "The Queen Mother, your Majesty has specifically issued an order not to disturb the Queen Mother, and let her sleep until she wakes up naturally. I... I don't dare to resist." Purpose..."

After saying that, he kowtowed to Queen Mother Mo with a bang.

Empress Dowager Mo laughed angrily, "Haha, what a proud and elegant empress, she is so precious!"

With that said, he got off Fenghu and angrily went straight to Caiwei's palace. "Since you don't dare to disturb me, I will call her myself. I want to see if the emperor will punish me for disturbing his queen?"

Huanqiu and Chunliu stayed inside to serve. When they heard that the Queen Mother was upset outside, they knew something was wrong. Huanqiu hurriedly stepped aside, planning to find an opportunity to find the emperor to come to the rescue. Chunliu stayed here to watch. Stay here, don't let your empress be bullied by the Queen Mother.

The bedroom was quiet.

The strong smell of love spread in the air, and the palace was in a mess...

Towels, handkerchiefs, and torn obscene clothes and trousers were all thrown carelessly on the ground. Two exquisite embroidered shoes, one on the east and one on the west, were three or four meters apart. On the hollow-carved dragon couch, Empress Mu was sitting on the floor. He was lying on his back with his feet in the air, soundly asleep, and there was no sign of sleep at all. The two slender white legs sticking out of the bed were covered with bruises and bruises. You could tell what had happened at the first sight.

Empress Dowager Mo clenched her teeth. Her eyes moved from the bruises on Empress Mu's body to the two exposed jade feet. She saw that there were actually several bruises on those two white and tender feet. Eye-catching teeth marks and hickeys!

Her noble, steady, and domineering son actually kissed this woman's toes!

Queen Mother Mo was so angry that her scalp was numb. She stood trembling by the couch and shouted to Caiwei, who was sleeping soundly: "Get up!"

Normally there would be such a big movement, Caiwei would have woken up a long time ago, but she was too tired last night and was almost torn apart by the man. She is still in a resting and semi-conscious state, so even if she is reprimanded by Empress Dowager Mo, , and it didn't affect her in the slightest.

Queen Mother Mo saw that she was still asleep, with a bold and unrestrained posture, without the dignified sleeping appearance of a lady, and she became even more angry, and stretched out her hand to pull her.

"Get up!"

In her sleep, Caiwei vaguely felt someone pulling on her, thinking it was the man's dissatisfaction coming again. Then he turned over, closed his eyes, and threatened vaguely: "Nangong Yi, if you dare to trouble me again, I will castrate you!"


The people in the palace lowered their heads, looked at their noses, and looked at their hearts. Although their hearts were surging and exciting, they were calm on the surface without saying a word.

Queen Mother Mo's face turned completely black. She heard it very seriously. This lawless woman wanted to castrate her son. It was so abominable!

Even if it was a joke, her son was the lord of a country and the lord of ten thousand chariots. How could he allow her to make such a vulgar joke?

On the dragon couch, there was a white jade Ruyi for pillow use. Empress Dowager Mo picked up the Ruyi without thinking and hit Caiwei's jade pillow with a "snap".

Caiwei was sleeping when there was a loud bang like an explosion on the pillow, and something splashed on the back of her head, causing a burst of pain.

She woke up suddenly, opened her eyes and stood up, looking towards the bed.

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