Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1097 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law compete (4)

Nangong Yi said with a smile: "The queen mother misunderstood Caiwei. It was her son who didn't want anyone to wake her up. She didn't even know about the congratulations from a married woman!"

Her son clearly favored her daughter-in-law, and Empress Dowager Mo was extremely unhappy. She stared at her son and sneered, "Okay, even if she doesn't know about the imperial congratulations, then she contradicts me and disobeys me. How should we settle the matter?"

At this time, Nangong Yi had already stood up, walked to Queen Mother Mo with long legs, held her hand and walked out of the house. As he walked, he said, "Caiwei is only fourteen years old and is still a naive child." , the mother does not care what she does, and when she grows up in the future, she will naturally become sensible...   "

After hearing these words, Queen Mother Mo almost vomited blood!

How could the son she had worked so hard to raise, the son she had always been proud of, become like this?


Seeing that Queen Mu was being dragged away by the emperor without touching the ground, Chunliu hurriedly stepped forward to help Caiwei get dressed. Caiwei was thinking about meeting Mrs. Gaoming later to congratulate her, so she didn't notice Chunliu. A look of pity.

After getting dressed, Caiwei sat in front of the dressing table to dress up. Chunliu couldn't help but whispered: "Empress, the emperor, he, he..."

"What's wrong with him, Your Majesty?"

Caiwei casually opened the jewelry box specially placed on the dressing table for earrings, picked out a pair of beaded coral earrings, and put them on her earlobes without thinking.

Chunliu hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Did he hit you last night?"

Caiwei was embarrassed, and then she remembered the messy bruises on her body. When she was just getting dressed, she was too busy thinking about meeting Mrs. Gaoming later, and forgot to cover it up. Chunliu is a simple child, how can she know these things? , seeing those marks, he must have thought that he was beaten last night...

She coughed, covering up her embarrassment, and said nonchalantly: "No, how could it be? Your Majesty treats me very well..."

Chun Liu curled her lips, her eye circles a little red, "My Lady, please don't hide this from me. I heard it true last night outside. You cried and begged the Emperor, 'No, it hurts.' But The Emperor still refuses to obey..."

As he spoke, tears fell down like thunder...

The corner of Caiwei's mouth twitched. The embarrassing thing last night was actually heard. Recalling those charming scenes last night, her face couldn't help but blush...

In the middle of the night last night, the potion of the hot house wine on her body had worn off. She lost her previous enthusiasm and her body began to hurt gradually, so she refused to let the man torment her anymore.

Nangong Yi didn't force her, he just held her in his arms like a jewel, pressing his body tightly against her, as if he was curious about something. Although both of them were sticky and not very energetic, But not disgusting.

Caiwei had been extremely proactive, bold and enthusiastic just now. Not only did she kiss and hug him, she even made a request to be superior, which made Nangong Yi gasp in comfort. But at this moment, Caiwei was too embarrassed to raise her head. Her behavior just now was too wild. He wouldn't doubt her character because of this, right?

Thinking of this, she tentatively raised her head and looked at the man shyly, only to see him lying on his side facing her, his eyes falling on the red tassels hanging down from the Baizi tent. His eyes remained motionless, as if he was in a daze.

Caiwei was startled. She couldn't care less about her shyness and hurriedly pushed herself up to push him: "Nangong Yi, what's wrong with you? Nangong Yi----"

When she called her like that, Nangong Yi just moved his eyes and stared at Caiwei's stretched white body. His eyes gradually darkened. He stretched out his hand, caressed her white jade-like body in a rare way, and sighed: "Wei. Son, I didn’t expect that sex between men and women would be so comfortable. It really makes people want to die. It’s more pleasurable than anything else. No wonder some people are willing to die for this thing..."

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