Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1098 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law compete (5)

Caiwei held her head and said with a smile: "Now that your Majesty knows what it's like, do you regret that you will never accept a concubine in your life?"

Nangong Yi buried his head on her chest, rubbed it ambiguously, and said, "As long as Wei'er feeds her husband, he will naturally not regret it..."

Before he finished speaking, Caiwei had already squeezed the soft flesh around his waist and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is saying that if I can't feed you enough, will you regret the edict?" "

Nangong Yi saw her clenching her teeth and smiling dangerously, and immediately said seriously: "Madam, you also know that my husband is seriously obsessed with germs, otherwise I wouldn't have known the taste of pleasure in London until now. Just don't worry, Apart from you, there is no other woman in the world who can win the eyes of a husband..."

"Glib tongue!"

Caiwei let go of him, turned around angrily, and muttered, "How do I know if another woman will fall in your eyes one day?"

Nangong Yi saw that her mood suddenly dropped. He propped himself up and looked at her steadily, and said solemnly: "Silly girl, I am weak for three thousand dollars. I only take one gourd to drink. No matter how many and good women there are in the world, it is not enough for me." It's just a cloud to say, Nangong Yi, having you is enough for Nangong Yi in this life!"

Any woman would be happy to hear such beautiful words of love, and Caiwei was no exception. Although she was carrying her back, the corners of her mouth were curled up, like a beautiful crescent moon, and her slightly drooped eyelashes were trembling. It flutters like a butterfly in the wind, and its cheeks are as red as the most beautiful glow in the sky.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Yi suddenly became distraught again. He was not completely happy to begin with, but now he suddenly became more interested and fierce. He hugged Caiwei and pressed her tightly against her.

Caiwei was shocked and asked nervously: "What do you want to do?"

Nangong Yi said: "My husband just said that there are three thousand pieces of weak water, and I will only take one ladle to drink, but it is only this one ladle of water, so you have to let me drink enough!"

Although Caiwei has the protection of space and is much stronger than women of the same age, she is still only a fourteen-year-old girl after all. She just went through a fierce fight with a man under the influence of hothouse wine. Now, After the alcohol had dissipated, my body already felt bad. It was burning from the inside out, and I couldn't help but feel pain every time I moved. Maybe it had been tortured into something?

"No, I have to go and pay your respects to your mother tomorrow morning. I won't be able to get up if I keep trying...well..."

Nangong Yi immediately blocked her chattering mouth, and moved around with a pair of big palms, kneading and squeezing, and lighting things up everywhere. Although this was their first time having sex, it was not their first time being intimate. Nangong Yi was very familiar with Caiwei's body, and after a while Caiwei was panting and her face was red and hot.

After confirming that she was excited, Nangong Yi let go of her and coaxed: "Baby, just obey me for now, and I will obey you no matter what you want to do later, okay?"

With that said, Caiwei entered on her own without waiting for Caiwei's consent. Caiwei exclaimed, but there was nothing he could do, so she had to gasp and let him toss her around.

Unexpectedly, this time the tossing was more fierce than the last few times. Caiwei was torn apart by him tossing her around. She had no strength left at all. She couldn't push or push or pull away, so she had to cry for mercy.

"Nangong Yi, no more, it hurts!"

Nangong Yi became even more excited after hearing Caiwei's soft, cat-like voice. He put his arms on both sides of Caiwei and said while moving: "I overheard a man in the army in the military camp before. People say that the best sound in the world is a woman's begging for mercy in bed. Uh... Sure enough, it sounds really nice. Madam, please scream louder, because my husband likes it..."

Caiwei was really pissed off by him. She beat, beat, cried and made fuss for a long time. Who would have thought that the more fussy she made, the more excited the man would become. Until she fainted in a daze, the man was not done yet...

After that, she fell asleep in a daze. In the hazy state, she felt that she was being carried to the clean room by the man to take a bath. When she freshened up and returned to the bridal chamber, the bed had been made.

After getting on the dry and clean bed, Caiwei immediately fell into a fragrant sleep. Pian Nangong Yi was still very excited, leaning up and looking at her with burning eyes.

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