Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1099 The lady was beaten (1)

After getting on the dry and clean bed, Caiwei immediately fell into a fragrant sleep. Pian Nangong Yi was still very excited, leaning up and looking at her with burning eyes.

At this moment, Caiwei was already asleep. A quilt was randomly covering her body. Two slender white legs fell outside the quilt. They were covered with bruises and bruises. The higher they went up, the more marks there were. , although he was afraid of hurting her, her skin was too delicate, and there were still a lot of marks on it.

Although he looked a little distressed, he was also a little excited and had a slight sense of accomplishment. His deep eyes looked up at the two white legs, focusing on the key points of the legs, which were blocked by the damn quilt. I couldn't help but think about it and had a long aftertaste. After this aftertaste, I felt that this matter was really unsatisfactory, and my energy surged up again.

Caiwei has fallen asleep, her breathing is long, her long eyelashes are like two small fans, she is motionless, as quiet as a painting, her bright red mouth is tightly closed, slightly red and swollen, this is naturally His masterpiece, Nangong Yi thought about it and moved closer.

He lifted up the quilt on her body, allowing her to see the beautiful scenery at a glance, and then whispered in her ear: "Weier, you must be exhausted. I will give you a massage while you fall asleep. Don't worry." Just move..."

As he spoke, his hand gently squeezed her shoulder.

Caiwei was in a daze and couldn't hear what he was saying, but the man's squeeze was very comfortable. She didn't object, and even turned over and hummed twice.

However, it didn't take long for Nangong Yi's hands to become restless. Caiwei woke up from being rubbed and said in shock: "Nangong Yi, you beast..."

Chunliu stayed up all night and kept waiting outside. She had already made an agreement with Huanqiu that one of them must stay by the master's side no matter night or day, so as not to be taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives. go.

She was on night watch today, and although she had promised her master to go to bed first, she still felt uneasy and stayed outside their bridal chamber, ready to be dispatched at any time.

It was already late at night, and she heard that the bridal chamber was quiet. She was about to lean against the door frame and take a nap, when she suddenly heard the young lady's cry-filled plea coming from inside.

"Yi, please spare me..."

Chunliu's face turned green. She knew best what kind of person the young lady was. Ever since she was with the young lady, she had always bullied others. She had never seen the young lady being bullied like this. Doesn't the emperor like it? Miss? He also made her his queen, telling the world that he would never accept a concubine, but why did he still bully her...

When it was almost dawn, the room finally calmed down, and Chunliu, who had been worrying about it all night, finally let go. When she saw the emperor who was full of energy and spring breeze from inside, she immediately planned to rush in to see the young lady.

That night, the young lady must have suffered a lot, and her voice was hoarse from crying. She had to go in and take a look to feel relieved. But the emperor issued a decree that no one was allowed to disturb the young lady's rest, so she had to give up the idea of ​​going in to visit.

When he was helping the young lady get dressed, he saw the bruises on her body. The simple and kind-hearted Chunliu privately thought that the young lady must have been beaten last night, and she was beaten very badly. He also saw that the young lady looked weak. This idea became even more certain when I saw the appearance.

She was a simple girl who couldn't hide things in her heart. She knew that her master would be sad if she asked her questions. After many hesitations, she still couldn't help but asked her questions.

Caiwei's face turned red when she was asked, and she didn't know how to explain to the simple girl. She just said hahahahahahahaha, "He bullied me, but it's not what you think. Hey! I'll wait for you to get married in the future." I understand..."

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