Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1100 The lady was beaten (2)

As he said that, he picked up a jade bracelet on the dressing table and put it on her wrist. He said, "This is a reward for you. Don't tell others about it. You haven't slept for two nights, right?" Look, the circles under my eyes are coming out, go back to sleep..."

Chunliu pursed her lips, forgot to look at Caiwei in pity, and retreated aggrievedly. Although the young lady rewarded her with a jade bracelet, she still couldn't be happy. Wuwuwu, the young lady was beaten...

After sending Chunliu away, she called Xiaozhi in to help her dress up.

She was already awake, so she had no reason not to meet the ladies. Although she didn't like socializing in this kind of scene, she could still pursue her own affairs in her position. Since she was the queen, for her man, she had to do such things. Go face to face!

Because she was to receive the royal ladies and the female relatives of the royal family, Caiwei put on the queen's phoenix robe according to the specifications.

The phoenix robe is a double-breasted robe with wide sleeves, bright yellow, with eight lifelike golden phoenixes embroidered on it, all embroidered with gold threads. There are sea water clouds and cliff edge patterns on the hem, which is rich and gorgeous.

On her head, she wears a nine-tailed phoenix hairpin that only queens can wear. The nine phoenix tails of the phoenix hairpin are all in the shape of a flying dance. The feathers are inlaid with green gems. There are several phoenix whiskers in front of the phoenix tail. At the root, the phoenix mouth holds seven strands of beads, which are crystal clear. When worn, it hangs just in front of the forehead. There is a small phoenix hairpin on each temple, holding three strands of beads. It is extremely luxurious and elegant.

After dressing up, the Fenghui outside was also ready. She held Xiaozhi's hand and climbed into the Fengchao steadily, and went to the Shuntian Palace to receive the congratulations from the emperor's female family members and his wives...

Queen Mother Mo was sent back to Jade Kun Palace by her son's order. When she thought of Caiwei's arrogance and her son's favoritism, Queen Mother Mo became so angry that she sat alone on the soft couch and shed tears. She was feeling sad when Chen Shangxi came Reported, "Queen Mother, Princess Chaoyue is here."

Nangong Yu heard that her mother went to Chengqian Palace angrily early in the morning, and she felt uneasy. She didn't dare to go there without permission to offend the emperor's brother, so she kept people watching. When she learned that her mother was back, I hurried over to find out.

As soon as he came in, Nangong Yu noticed something strange about his mother and said in surprise: "Mother, why are you crying?"

Empress Dowager Mo was feeling aggrieved. When her daughter asked, she felt sad and shed tears again. She said, "I think back then, we three mothers lived on each other under the persecution of Concubine Jin and her son. In order for your brother to ascend to the throne, The Queen Mother has done so many unintentional things, she doesn't care about retribution or cause and effect at all. She only looks forward to the day when he can rule the world and we mothers can live a happy and proud life. It's just like boiling oil. After he got to the top, he...actually hurt me like this for a woman..."

At the end of the story, Queen Mother Mo was crying...

She has a cold temperament, and rarely shows her temper. Thinking back to when Nangong Yi went to war, Nangong Yu was forced to marry, and she herself was grounded and tortured by her slaves, she had never seen her emotions so intense. At this moment, she actually Like a child, crying out of breath.

Nangong Yu pursed her lips and said, "It's that woman who has confused my brother so far, and her charming little sister, who was only eleven years old, and she also bewitched brother Ziqi. Sisters Neither of them is good..."


Queen Mother Mo sighed heavily and fell silent. She also agreed with her daughter's view. She really wished she could depose that woman and send her to the cold palace.

However, that woman is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. Even if she had some courage, she would not dare to do this. What's more, the traitor will protect her tightly, how can she be allowed to do anything?

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