Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1101 The lady was beaten (3)

Nangong Yu said: "My mother doesn't have to worry. The reason why my brother is like this is because he was confused by Mu Caiwei. If my brother can stop liking that foxy girl, he will naturally stop hurting his mother's heart. "

This assumption was too unrealistic. Empress Dowager Mo shook her head repeatedly, "Oh, how could he not like that Hu Meizi? For her, your good brother would have given up his life. What about mother and sister, what about the country, the country, the country? In his eyes, none of them are as important as that foxy girl!"

Hearing that her mother had such a deep prejudice against her brother, Nangong Yu couldn't help turning her head slightly and glanced at Luoxue behind her. Luoxue nodded lightly and gave her a look!

Nangong Yu tensed up, pursed her lips, and finally plucked up the courage to say, "Actually, it's not difficult to make Mu Caiwei fall out of favor..."

Queen Mother Mo said in surprise: "Do you have any idea?"

Nangong Yu said decisively: "There is a way, but it depends on whether the mother uses it or not?"

After speaking, her big eyes swept around the hall. Empress Dowager Mo understood and immediately ordered Chen Shangxi to take all the servants out of the hall.

The hall was quiet, and Nangong Yu whispered: "Mother, my daughter heard that Princess Tuotuo from Miaojiang came to our court. Miaojiang people are good at voodoo. Why don't queen mother secretly find Princess Tuotuo and ask for someone who can turn them against each other?" When it comes to the poison, although my brother has always been cautious, he will never be wary of the queen. As long as the queen casts a vood on him, he will definitely succeed."

Queen Mother Mo was startled by her daughter's thoughts, and she immediately said sternly: "How could you have such an idea? All dynasties in our country of Jin Dynasty regarded bewitching as evil magic, and all those who were good at bewitching in the palace were punished. Zhu Sha, poisoning your brother, how dare you think so? If he finds out, even if he doesn't punish the queen, he will never forgive her in this life. The queen knows his nature well..."

Nangong Yu didn't expect her mother's reaction to be so intense. Seeing her mother acting like this, she hurriedly smiled and said, "Daughter, if you look at your mother, she is anxious. If she doesn't do it, she won't do it. At worst, we will keep smiling in front of Mu Caiwei from now on." My son is a lowly child, and for the sake of her brother’s face, she won’t abuse us too much..."

The words made Queen Mother Mo immediately think of the time in the morning when Mu Caiwei slapped her in the face in front of all the slaves and quarreled with her through the curtain. She also thought of her son's unabashed favoritism towards Mu Caiwei. Because of his perfunctory treatment, her chest suddenly became clogged, causing her to beat her chest.

Nangong Yu and Luo Xue hurried forward, one poured tea and the other helped her calm down.

"Please go out and leave me alone..."

Queen Mother Mo waved her hand and lay weakly on the Babu bed.

Nangong Yu originally didn't expect Empress Dowager Mo to agree immediately. Seeing that Empress Dowager Mo was already shaken, she took Luo Xue and left with satisfaction.

Outside, Luoxue whispered: "When you go to see the Queen later, the princess will try to suffer some grievances. The more severe the grievances, the better. It is best to make the Queen Mother feel distressed and impress the Queen Mother."

"I see!"

Nangong Yu clenched his fists and showed a firm look.

As far as she is concerned, as long as she can get Princess Tuotuo's cloud and rain Gu, as long as she can make her cousin Ziqi fall madly in love with her, what does it mean to suffer a little injustice and lose a little face?

Luoxue also had her own plans. Last night, when she heard that Princess Tuotuo was interested in the emperor, she went to find Princess Tuotuo overnight and made this deal with her. Their deal was like this.

Princess Tuo Tuo provided the Gu worms and asked Nangong Yu to try to infect Nangong Yi, giving Princess Tuo Tuo a chance to become the queen of the Jin Dynasty. In return, Tuo Tuo gave the precious Yuyun Gu worms to Nangong Yu and his wife. , let her find an opportunity to bewitch Mo Ziqi. When the time comes, Mo Ziqi will naturally love her with all his heart.

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