Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1113 Thousand-year-old Ginseng (4)

Caiwei smiled and said, "Don't worry, even if she is picky, my things will be impeccable for her. I finally honored her today, and I will save her trouble with unboxing gifts in the future!" "

Nangong Yi knew Caiwei's excellence, so he felt relieved and watched her dressing up. The two of them went to have breakfast together.

The emperor's breakfast was very luxurious. There were more than 20 dishes, 4 kinds of staple food, and two kinds of porridge (or soup). The dishes are mainly chicken, duck, fish, goose, pork and seasonal vegetables, supplemented by delicacies, seafood, exotic melons and fruits. The rice they eat is specially cultivated yellow, white, and purple rice, as well as high-quality "tribute rice" from various places.

The emperor and the queen couldn't eat these things at all. After Caiwei mentioned it, their breakfast had become very simple. There were only two kinds of porridge, steamed buns with meat and vegetable fillings, as well as side dishes and pickles. Both are light and save money.

Caiwei felt that wasting such a large amount of money on food was too extravagant, so she suggested making each meal simpler. Even so, the two of them still couldn't eat it, so the rest naturally went to Chang Mei and parrot.

While I was eating, a lengthy chorus of harmony suddenly sounded outside - "The Queen Mother is here!"

After hearing this, Nangong Yi's face looked a little ugly. The queen mother was so anxious to catch his wife's pigtails. As soon as she sent the eunuch back, people came non-stop. Fortunately, his wife was prepared, otherwise today She must be embarrassed in public. However, even if his wife was not prepared, he would never let his wife suffer.

Caiwei naturally knew what her mother-in-law was thinking, so she sneered in her heart, put down her unfinished breakfast, took the handkerchief Xiaozhi handed her and wiped her mouth, then sipped the mint tea brought by Peiyao, and talked to Nangong Yi walked out.

Outside, Empress Dowager Mo had just sat down and was chatting with Concubine Yao and Concubine Huo. Several princesses and concubines were standing behind the Empress Dowager, and that annoying Princess Tuotuo was actually here. When she saw Nangong Yi, her eyes suddenly It gave off a strange brilliance that stuck to his body and could never be separated from it.

After seeing Caiwei come out, Empress Dowager Mo glanced at her, tried her best to hide the disgust in her eyes, and said: "There is no need to salute, just take out your dowry for everyone to see, it can be considered a wedding." It's a courtesy."

Caiwei felt chilled. How much did Queen Mother Mo have to hate her to make her ignore her own face and find outsiders to help her laugh at her daughter-in-law?

Thinking of this, she felt a little disappointed and her expression became much gloomier.

Originally, she wanted to get along well with Empress Dowager Mo. Knowing that Empress Dowager Mo loved flowers, when she was preparing her dowry, she deliberately removed a few pots of extremely rare flowers from the space and planned to give them to her in the future to please her mother-in-law. However, looking at the current situation, she could save these pots of flowers. Based on Queen Mother Mo's attitude towards her, she would rather give the flowers to a stranger than give them to her.

Caiwei pursed her lips and said modestly, "My concubine's dowry is very thin. I hope my mother and the concubines will not laugh at me when they see her."

Seeing Caiwei's sad expression, Empress Dowager Mo thought it was Caiwei who was embarrassed, so she sneered: "Just take it out, everyone knows that your natal family is poor, but since you are marrying the emperor of the Jin Dynasty, you must My father, who is an editor at the Hanlin Academy, must have tried his best to buy you a few interesting items, so take them out and show them to everyone!"

Caiwei chuckled, blessed her body, and said: "Since the queen mother said so, I have no choice but to obey the order, call Qiu——"

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