Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1114 Thousand-year-old Ginseng (5)

"The slave is here!"

Huanqiu stepped forward, holding the key to the east wing in his hand. Caiwei's dowry was brought in on the day she married into the palace. It was covered with bright red satin and kept locked in the east wing. The key was held by Huanqiu. No one knew what her dowry was.

"Take someone to carry out the dowry one by one. Be careful not to damage the flowers!"


Huan Qiu got up and took the eunuchs from Chengqian Palace to the east wing. He opened the door himself and went in with a few eunuchs.

Empress Dowager Mo looked at Caiwei with the attitude of seeing a joke. She had already checked out the dowry prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for her, and also checked out the betrothal gift Nangong Yi gave her when she was the King of Qin. If her dowry contains these two items Something, she must expose her face to face.

The first dowry was brought out, which were two mahogany boxes with copper buckles. Princess Tuotuo already knew Caiwei's origin and said harshly: "The boxes are quite decent, but I don't know if there are any contents inside." The box is valuable."

Caiwei raised her eyebrows and smiled, and said in a nonchalant manner, "I dare not say whether it is worth it, but one thing is that you will definitely not be able to afford the things here!"

Princess Tuotuo was ridiculed by Caiwei in front of Nangong Yi, and her face turned red with anger. She shouted arrogantly: "Is there anything that I can't afford? If you have the ability, open it and see. Other princesses can't." Dare I say, I still have at least ten times the money to buy the things in this box.  "

Caiwei smiled unhurriedly and said: "Princess Tuotuo, it's better not to talk too much, lest you get slapped in the face later and be unable to get off the stage."

Princess Tuotuo said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense and open your box. If I can't afford the things in your box that are ten times the price, you will never be too arrogant!"

Caiwei laughed, slowly sat on the chair next to Nangong Yi, and ordered Qiu to take the key and open the first box.

The first box contains four identical brocade boxes. The boxes are about two feet long and exquisitely made. They are all made of Sichuan brocade. Even the bindings are made of ivory, which shows how valuable the gold is.

Huanqiu took out the four brocade boxes, ordered four palace maids to hold them, and opened the four boxes together.


The moment the box was opened, everyone gasped at the same time. They saw four huge old ginsengs placed in the four brocade boxes. The reeds of the ginseng were double reeds and double jujube cores, and the reed bowls were winding. Long, old and tall, with body and spirit patterns like iron wires, leather strips and beards, and obvious pearl spots. More importantly, the four old ginseng actually grew into human shapes, with complete limbs and clear facial features, like four dolls. Look at the old ginseng. The number of scales on the head of the ginseng reed must be at least eighteen hundred years old!

In this era, ginseng is a precious and rare thing. Even in the Taiyuan Hospital of the Jin Dynasty, there is only one 200-year-old ginseng. The rest are all 180 years old, and most of them are 35 years old. For ten years, such a thousand-year-old ginseng that has grown into a human form has never been seen before, let alone by them!

Caiwei held the teacup, took a sip gently, and said with a smile, "How about it? Princess Tuotuo, can you afford these four old ginsengs?"

Princess Tuotuo pursed her lips, her face was red to her ears, but she still managed to say: "It's just a few old ginseng trees. What's so great about it? I can afford it."


Caiwei put the tea cup on the plate in the palace maid's hand, looked at her with interest and asked, "Princess Tuotuo, does she know how much money these old ginseng trees in my palace are worth?"

Princess Tuotuo hummed and said, "How much is it worth?"

Caiwei raised a finger, shook it gently, and said calmly: "Not much, just one hundred thousand taels."

"What? One hundred thousand taels? Are you taking this princess for a fool?"

Princess Tuotuo shouted loudly. Even though she knew the price of ginseng, she pretended not to understand and was unwilling to admit that she could not afford these things.

She came to Dajin to congratulate her. In addition to the gifts for Dajin, she also brought 20,000 taels of silver. She felt that this was a lot of money, enough to cover her expenses in Dajin. As a result, her entire family fortune added up to This woman couldn't even afford a ginseng tree. This feeling of frustration made her feel so unhappy!

Caiwei turned to Queen Mother Mo and said with a smile: "It seems that Princess Tuotuo doesn't understand the market of ginseng. Can I trouble my mother to tell her whether these ginseng trees I have are worth one hundred thousand taels of silver?"

Empress Dowager Mo looked at the four thousand-year-old ginseng trees plucking the weeds in shock. Her heart was beating violently, and she became more and more convinced that she was the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. Otherwise, how could she have such a rare treasure so casually? Just took it out?

Looking at the entire Jin Kingdom, it was difficult to find such a ginseng tree, but she took out four ginseng trees at once. Together with the one she had given to Duke Li Guo's mansion, there were a total of five ginseng trees!

This is incredible!

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