Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1117: Rich as a Country (3)

Therefore, before waiting for Qingfang Garden, eunuchs had already sent the message. When Caiwei arrived, Du Meiren from Qingfang Garden had already led several eunuchs and maids from the palace to guard the door of Qingfang Garden. Wei's chariot arrived and she hurriedly knelt on the ground.

"I see the Queen, the Queen is a thousand years old!"

"Auntie, wake up!"

Before getting off the carriage, Caiwei stretched out her hand, eager to help Du Meiren up.

Du Meiren said humbly: "Thank you, Queen!" After saying that, she stood up with Nong Mo's help.

Caiwei got off the carriage, held Du Meiren's hand, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time. Is your aunt still well?"

Du Meiren smiled and said, "Thanks to the queen's concern, everything is fine with me."

Caiwei said: "Aunt, since Wei'er calls you aunt, she hopes that we can still talk about family ties as before, regardless of status. If aunt only cares about one queen and the other, I'm afraid the affection between us girls will be ruined. I'll call you Fensheng..."

Du Meiren's eyes flashed slightly, she lowered her head gratefully and excitedly, and whispered: "Okay!" The two held hands and entered Qingfang Garden.

The scenery of Qingfang Garden remains the same. The mottled gate, the messy flowers and plants in the yard, and the palace garden that has not been repaired for many years make it look cold and depressed.

Entering the main hall inside, the guests of honor were seated, and they made ink and offered tea.

Caiwei took the tea and looked at Du Meiren while drinking tea. She hadn't seen her for several months. Du Meiren had lost a lot of weight than before. Not only was she pitifully thin, but her face was also surprisingly pale. She looked haggard, as if she had suddenly aged. As if he were ten years old.

Caiwei said: "What's wrong with my aunt? Why have you become so thin after not seeing her for several months? But are you not living a happy life these days?"

When Du Meiren heard this, her eyes suddenly turned red and she choked, "It's not a family matter!"

After saying that, he stood up, held up his skirt, knelt at Cai Wei's feet, and cried: "Weier, logically my aunt shouldn't open this mouth to you, but your grandfather is really old. He abused Aunt Mei before. It was my mother's idea to advocate that your mother marry King Guangling as a concubine. Now that she is dead, please be merciful and let your grandfather go. After all, you also have his blood... "

After saying that, he fell to the ground and started sobbing.

Caiwei looked at Du Meiren who was kneeling on the ground, slowly put down the tea cup in her hand, and said, "Du Ruhai once sold your goods to the emperor's house for his own glory and wealth, ruining your life. Don't you hate it?" him?"

Du Meiren raised her head, nodded slightly, and choked with sobs: "Hate, of course I hate him. I hate him for being ruthless and meaningless. He only cares about chasing dragons and phoenixes, and has no love between father and daughter. I also hate that he is too ambitious and insists on helping to seize the throne. You You know, when I knew that he was deprived of his title, I felt really comfortable and relieved. However, even if I hate it, I can't bear to see him die. When I think of him having to die at such a gray-haired age, Guillotine, my heart feels like... being stabbed by a knife..."

As she spoke, she burst into tears.

Caiwei said: "My aunt should also know that the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics. However, since my aunt has spoken to me about this matter, I will mention it to the emperor. As for whether he agrees, I can't interfere!"

When Du Meiren heard this, she was immediately elated, as if she heard the sound of Buddha's words. She wiped the tears on her cheeks and said with certainty: "It will definitely work. The emperor is so kind to you, so he will definitely agree, Wei'er. , you are really a noble person in our family, thank you so much this time..."

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