Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1118: Rich as a Country (4)

In the evening, when Nangong Yi came back, Caiwei mentioned the matter to him.

Although the relationship between the two is close, Caiwei is still very measured in some aspects. After all, Nangong Yi is an ancient, and the feudal thoughts in his mind have long been ingrained and penetrated deep into his bones. He can do so many contrary things for her. She is already very content with matters of feudal ethics, so she does not expect him to obey her on everything. Just like the matter of pardoning Du Ruhai, she will mention it to Nangong Yi, but will Nangong Yi agree? , she would never interfere.

After hearing Caiwei's words, Nangong Yi agreed without hesitation: "This is nothing. I will issue an order tomorrow to demote these rebellious officials and thieves who have caused trouble to the emperor and demote them into slaves and send them to Lingbei. They will never be here again." Leave Lingbei!"

Caiwei said gratefully: "Nangong Yi, just do it according to your own ideas. I just made a suggestion. If you are not willing to pardon them, I will not be unhappy. "

Nangong Yi rubbed her face and said dotingly: "It is my idea to pardon them. The killing is too heavy and goes against the harmony of nature. They are just on the wrong team and have not done anything harmful to nature. I can't bear to kill them all, so why not let them go to Lingbei to create wealth for you!"

Early the next morning, Nangong Yi indeed issued a pardon edict, exempting several important ministers headed by Jin Dapeng from the death penalty of killing the Nine Clan, and ordered them to be demoted to official slaves and sent to Lingbei, and they would never leave Lingbei.

This edict immediately caused an uproar in the court.

Throughout the dynasties, all ministers who stood in the wrong team were regarded as traitors and traitors, and their crimes were unpardonable. In the lightest case, the nine tribes were executed, and in the worst case, all nine tribes were punished. And the emperor actually let these rebellious officials and traitors off easily, this is too unreasonable!

At the moment, all the ministers were impassioned and remonstrated one after another, hoping to prevent Nangong Yi from pardoning those rebellious ministers and traitors.

However, the emperor had already made up his mind. Even though the ministers knelt down, kowtowed, and stated their successes, they refused to take back his decree. He also ordered the guilty ministers to leave the capital that day and go to Lingbei...

The commotion in the previous dynasty was so loud that the harem naturally heard about it.

Empress Dowager Mo was very uneasy when she heard that her son had made all the ministers dissatisfied. She immediately ordered someone to call Yang Yong and ask him in detail about the whole matter.

Yang Yong did not dare to hide it, so he reported to Empress Dowager Mo exactly what Cai Wei said to Nangong Yi last night.

Empress Dowager Mo heard that Caiwei had interfered in government affairs, which made Nangong Yi dissatisfied with the ministers, and she was shocked and dumbfounded.

She had been in the throne for more than 20 years, and she never dared to say a word about the affairs of the court. But this Mu Caiwei had only been the queen for three days, and she began to interfere in the government affairs, instigating her son to pardon those who He was a treacherous minister and a traitor, causing him to arouse public outrage and provoke public anger. Her behavior did not look like a queen, but rather like a demon queen who was causing harm to the country!

Queen Mother Mo was angry!

She could no longer tolerate this witch who confused the king and brought trouble to the country...

That night, Nangong Yi returned to Chengqian Palace, and Caiwei took him out with a guilty look on his face.

"I heard that the ministers are giving you a hard time today?"

Nangong Yi took her hand into the bedroom and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it's just a few stupid and stubborn old men who want to dictate to me and control the government just because they are veterans. How can I follow their wishes?" "

Caiwei knew that things were not as simple as he said, but he was afraid that she would feel guilty, so he deliberately made it easy for her. This made Caiwei feel guilty.

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