Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1119: Rich as a Country (5)

She lowered her head and said embarrassingly, "Yi, I'm sorry, it was me who caused you trouble..."

Nangong Yi looked at his little daughter-in-law who lowered her head to admit her mistake, stretched out his arms and hugged her, buried his face in the crook of her neck and whispered, "There will never be any involvement between us. Everything is done willingly by me." You don't have to feel guilty about it..."

Caiwei snorted, still feeling sad, her little face was extremely tangled.

Seeing that she was so depressed, Nangong Yi made her happy and said, "Tomorrow is the day for you to return to Men'er. It's your first time back to Men'er as a newlywed. Have you prepared a gift for returning to Men'er?"

Caiwei said dullly: "It is a folk custom for a married woman to return to her family. Can the queen in the palace return to her family at will?"

Nangong Yi said: "Everything in this world has to be started by someone. Let's start by making the emperor and queen return home!"

Caiwei knew that Nangong Yi was coaxing her, and she felt sweet in her heart. She punched him and said coquettishly: "You must be crazy. The Queen Mother knows that you came back with me. She shouldn't be happy and cause trouble for me." Yes."

Nangong Yi said with a smile: "Mother doesn't dare. If I'm not wrong, she is currently planning how to get your pot of purple grass. She won't dare to offend you!"

Caiwei sighed: "Hey, if giving her a pot of flowers can stop her from targeting me, I can do it even if I give her a few more pots, but I'm afraid it won't be that easy. This time, the Queen Mother will pardon the guilty minister." You will definitely put another mark on my head. If you accompany me back tomorrow, the Queen Mother may cause a lot of trouble!"

Nangong Yi smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? Just don't let her know..."


Nangong Yu didn't expect Queen Mother Mo to figure it out so quickly. After the Queen Mother summoned her to discuss the poison, she was shocked and asked in a daze: "Is what the Queen Mother said true? Do you really agree to find Tuo?" Extension of Gu?"

Empress Dowager Mo clenched her fists and said as if a strong man had cut off his wrist: "It's true. Mother, you can no longer let that enchantress confuse your brother. Now that enchantress is no longer satisfied with bullying our mother and daughter, she has even extended her hand to the government. If the queen mother doesn't take any action, I'm afraid your brother will become the king of subjugation..."

"As long as the Queen has figured it out!"

Nangong Yu's eyes flashed with excitement. She stepped back and whispered: "Mother, it's easy to make Mu Caiwei fall out of favor. All you need to do is..."

She leaned close to Queen Mother Mo's ear, whispered a few words like this, and then said with burning eyes: "As long as the cloud and rain poison bites my brother and Princess Tuotuo, my brother will only love Princess Tuotuo from now on." , don’t worry about Mu Caiwei anymore when replenishing supplies. Princess Tuotuo has a noble status, and she has Miao Jiang’s support behind her. In addition, she is good at Gu magic. With her help, her brother’s empire will be stable. Or, she won’t be as unreasonable to her mother as Mu Caiwei.  "

Although Nangong Yu listed the many benefits of Nangong Yi marrying Princess Tuotuo, Queen Mother Mo did not agree with her point of view and asked her son to marry a woman who was good at witchcraft as the queen, and she was also an arrogant, stupid, arrogant and arrogant woman. , she always felt like chirping in her heart. Besides, in her mind, she already had a suitable daughter-in-law candidate.

A few months ago, the deposed prince Nangong Shijiu killed the emperor in an attempt to usurp the throne. Empress Dowager Mo secretly sent a blood edict to General Li, promising him that as long as he could help the country and bring order to chaos, she would be granted the title of Empress Ruizhu.

After General Li received this edict, he spared no effort to fight against the former prince and supported Nangong Yi to ascend to power. It's a pity that Nangong Yi's thoughts are all on Caiwei and can't tolerate others. In addition, Queen Mother Mo saw the turtle with her own eyes and said that she was the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, so she reluctantly agreed to her position as queen.

Breaking trust with General Li has always been a worry for Empress Dowager Mo, and Ruizhu has always been her favorite candidate for daughter-in-law. Therefore, this time, Empress Dowager Mo decided to take the risk and help Li Ruizhu ascend to the throne, and fulfill her promise to General Li. , Furthermore, let her son marry a daughter-in-law that she is satisfied with!

"Yu'er, go talk to that Tuo Tuo. As long as she is willing to provide us with Yun Yu Gu, apart from letting her be your brother's woman, we will comply with all other conditions."

Nangong Yu said: "Tuotuo is the direct princess of Miao territory. What good things do you have? I'm afraid I won't be able to impress her with anything."

Luoxue hurriedly said: "Queen Mother, why don't we pretend to agree to her first and secretly find the daughter-in-law that the Queen Mother likes. When the day of casting the bewitching, I will watch from the side and act according to the opportunity. Depending on the means of the slave, I will never do anything." The poison will bite Princess Tuotuo."

If this sentence were said by another person, Empress Dowager Mo might still be suspicious, but because Luoxue is her confidant and helped her protect Nangong Yu, in her mind, Luoxue is absolutely reliable people.

Empress Dowager Mo said slowly: "This plan is feasible, but you have to be careful to make sure nothing goes wrong!"

Luoxue lowered her head, concealing the extreme excitement in her eyes, and said, "Don't worry, the Queen Mother, I will do my best and never let the Queen Mother and the princess down..."

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