Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1120 Conspiracy (1)

next day

Caiwei got up early and went to Yukun Palace to pay her respects. Empress Dowager Mo didn't want to see her, so she just told her to go back because she was not feeling well and couldn't be disturbed.

Caiwei was eager to see him, so she blessed herself outside Yukun Palace in the direction of Empress Dowager Mo's bedroom, turned around and left.

Princess Chaoyue happened to be in the Jade Kun Palace. When she heard that Caiwei had come to pay her respects, she curled her lips and said, "She's pretending to be filial to others. If she really wanted to be filial to her mother, she should have brought out that Jiangzhu grass and offered it to others." To my mother, I know that my mother loves flowers and plants the most, but I keep the good things for myself, and yet I still show them off to you, how abominable!"

Empress Dowager Mo sneered and said, "Let her be arrogant for a while longer. When your brother stops doting on her, let her spend the rest of her life showing off her rare treasures in the cold palace."

With that said, he turned to Chen Shangxi and asked, "Is Ruizhu here?"

Chen Shangxi bent down and said softly: "If you want to return to the Queen Mother, I sent someone to pick you up early in the morning. Miss Li is already on the way!"

"Well, that's good. "

Empress Dowager Mo nodded, and then told Luoxue: "You have to keep an eye on me when I cast the poison later. You must not let the poison bite Tuo Tuo. When the matter is done, I will not treat you badly." , I will let the emperor make you a concubine."

"Yes, thank you Queen Mother for your grace, I will do my best!"

Luoxue looked shy and pretended to be overjoyed to confuse them, but there was a sneer in her heart.

If this thing comes to pass, the emperor will only have the bewitched woman in his heart. What use does she have for the empty title of this concubine?

At this moment, the three people in Yukun Palace had their own thoughts and plans.

Empress Dowager Mo wants to use Princess Tuotuo's Yun Yu Gu to make Ruizhu her worthy daughter-in-law; Luo Xue is determined to let the Yun Yu Gu bite her and become the only woman in Nangong Yi's heart; In order to obtain Tuo Tuo's Yun Yu Gu, Nangong Yu had sent someone overnight to tell Tuo Tuo's mother the plan...

When Caiwei came out of Yukun Palace, she took the shoulder bag and returned to Chengqian Palace.

The distance between Yukun Palace and Chengqian Palace is not far, less than half a mile. Normally, she would have walked back and forth, so that she could exercise and not bother others.

In her eyes, riding in a sedan chair was a manifestation of class oppression. However, she could not stop this common phenomenon and could only try not to use this privilege.

However, she was currently menstruating, and last night she was pestered by a man until late at night before going to bed. Now she really had no strength at all, so she had to have someone prepare a shoulder bag to enjoy the privileges of her class.

Returning to Chengqian Palace, I saw several unfamiliar palace maids standing at the entrance of the palace. The palace maids were surrounded by a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. The girl was dressed in gorgeous clothes and was none other than Princess Chaogui whom I had just met before.

At this moment, Princess Chaogui and several palace maids were standing outside the palace gate in a formal manner. It seemed that they had been here for a long time.

Xiaozhi took it out and whispered: "Empress, Princess Chaogui came just after you left. She has been waiting here for you!"

Caiwei was not familiar with this princess, but she knew that she was the daughter raised by Concubine Jin. She was once the most noble princess in the palace like Nangong Yu. However, since Nangong Shi rebelled, Concubine Jin was hastily buried. Princess Chao Gei's net worth has also plummeted. Those who used to pursue her and fawn over her are now afraid to avoid her, and the previous detached treatment is gone forever. Not only that, in order to cut off the relationship with her , the people in the palace began to spare no effort to bully her and abuse her to make their position clear.

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