Li Ruizhu walked in excitedly and slowly walked to the couch.

As soon as I got closer, I smelled the familiar scent of ambergris, it smelled great!

Although the man was lying with his face turned inward, his black hair scattered and covering his face, his tall body and the familiar scent of ambergris all proved that he was the current Saint Nangong Yi. She thought in her heart, The man I have loved for many years!

The man on the couch didn't seem to be sleeping very deeply. Li Ruizhu reached his couch and just stretched out her hand to touch his face. He suddenly moved. Li Ruizhu was so scared that Li Ruizhu quickly retracted her hand and stepped aside!

If he suddenly woke up and saw her now, everything would be over.

Thinking of this, she ignored her shame and reserve, gritted her teeth, bent down and got under the dragon couch where the man was sleeping, and secretly made up her mind that when she became queen, she would kill Luo Xue and Tuo Tuo to silence them, otherwise, in the future, How embarrassing it would be if word got out that the Queen got under the Emperor's bed!

Not long after, the sound of the door opening was heard outside again. This time, the two women who came in were the two women she had just planned to kill and silence.

After Tuo Tuo brought Luo Xue in, he didn't busy casting the poison. Instead, he walked around the house first. He was stunned by the splendor and luxury in the house, but soon fixed his eyes on the cave where the man was sleeping. .

In order to obtain the Yun Yu Gu, Nangong Yu had sent someone to tell her Queen Mother Mo's plan. She had long known that Li Ruizhu had been hiding in this room.

Therefore, after locking Li Ruizhu's location, she walked slowly towards the couch.

Under the couch, Li Ruizhu's heart was beating wildly as she watched the hem of the colorful floral skirt getting closer and closer to her. At this moment, what she was worried about was not that Tuo Tuo had discovered her, but whether Tuo Tuo would suddenly cast a spell and seize the opportunity.

Luoxue also had the same idea as Li Ruizhu. She was very alert and followed Princess Tuotuo closely, looking at her constantly, lest she suddenly release the poisonous insects.

Tuotu walked to the couch, stopped, suddenly bent down, and with lightning speed, quickly flicked under the couch, and a few black, small, sesame-like things fell from her It flew out of his sleeves and shot directly to the bed.

Li Ruizhu, who was hiding under the couch, suddenly felt a slight pain in his body, but he didn't know what happened.

Because the light under the couch was dim, she didn't see the small black thing like sesame seeds flying in. She thought she was feeling uncomfortable after lying under the couch for too long.

Luoxue has practiced internal martial arts since she was a child and has excellent eyesight. Although it was only for a short moment, she could clearly see that what Princess Tuotuo just popped up was not the Yunyu Gu worms, but a few lice.

Tuotuo would not use a few ordinary lice to deal with Li Ruizhu, but would probably use lice that had been grown into worms.

She actually brought other Gu insects with her. Luoxue's eyes froze, and she suddenly had an ominous premonition...

Sure enough, after Tuo Tuo finished casting the Gu, he turned around and smiled sinisterly at Luo Xue.

"Although Empress Dowager Mo didn't see clearly what you were, I, the princess, saw it very clearly. You, a despicable palace maid, dare to think of His Majesty the Emperor and plot against me, like a mantis stalking a cicada and an oriole behind you. You are really seeking your own death!"

After saying that, he curled up his fourth finger as if he wanted to eject.

Luoxue was shocked. When she was a child, she heard her master talk about Miao Jiang's voodoo skills when she was practicing martial arts with her master.

Gu is an ancient and mysterious witchcraft.

In ancient times, the Miao people lived in deep mountains. Almost every mountain was covered by primeval forests. There were so many ferocious beasts and poisonous insects that it was unimaginable, and there were even poisonous miasmas that could not be resisted. Moreover, the number of Miao people is too small. Women who travel alone are often bullied when encountering foreign tribesmen. Therefore, the ancestors developed poison materials based on the characteristics of the animals and plants around them, so that those who bully the own people cannot succeed, and even suffer extreme pain.

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