As the world goes by, the Miao people's cultivation of Gu technology continues to improve. From the past self-defense, it has gradually evolved into one that can be used to control people's minds or directly kill people.

Like the insect voodoos raised by Tuotuo, whether it is golden silkworm voodoo, lice voodoo, or ants, locusts, etc., you need to raise a voodoo king, and then when you release the voodoo, you usually need to pop out your finger, and There are one, two, three and four fingers. The poison placed on one and two fingers is easier to treat, and the victim can easily recover. For example, when Li Ruizhu was bewitched just now, the second finger popped up.

But three fingers are more difficult to cure. If it is a poison on four fingers, it is a death poison. Not only the bewitcher cannot resolve it, but even gods and bodhisattvas cannot resolve it.

At this moment, Tuo Tuo curled up his fourth finger, clearly showing his intention to kill her. Luo Xue did not dare to slack off and jumped to the side.

Luoxue's kung fu was extremely high, and she easily dodged Princess Tuotuo's attack. The two popped-up Gu worms flew into the air and fell to the ground. They twisted their slender bodies and a pair of transparent wings sprouted from their backs. They flapped their wings and headed straight towards Luoxue.

When Tuo Tuo saw Luo Xue dodging easily, murderous intent suddenly appeared in her eyes. She curled up her four fingers and flicked Luo Xue several more times with a "swish, swish, swish" motion, muttering some spells in her mouth.

In an instant, more than a dozen black bugs with wings flew toward Luoxue like ghosts. Luoxue was so shocked that she broke into a cold sweat. She didn't care about snatching the Yunyu Gu at the moment, and immediately took out the insect repellent powder and sprinkled it on herself.

It is important to get Nangong Yi's love, but if you are poisoned and your life is gone, what's the use of getting his love?

Luoxue's insect repellent was very effective. Those poisonous insects flew to her side. When they smelled the insect repellent, they immediately turned around and flew towards Tuo Tuo and the man on the couch.

Tuo Tuo hurriedly jumped onto the couch, protecting the man's side, and opened a gourd he carried with him.

I don't know what was put in the gourd, but I only smelled a fishy smell. Those Gu insects seemed to have smelled this strange smell, and they all flapped their wings and got into the gourd one after another.

"Haha, you are quite smart. You know how to bring deworming medicine to save your life!"

Tuo Tuo laughed mockingly and took out a gold-painted box from under his wide skirt. "However, even if you escape this disaster today, and the Japanese princess becomes the queen of your Jin Dynasty, you will still be killed."

With that said, he stretched out his hand to open the gold-painted box!

Luo Xue was anxious, and realized that what was in the box must be the legendary Yun Yu Gu. If the box is opened, the two of them will be the host of the Gu insect, and she will never have a chance again!

Thinking of this, she raised her hand decisively and shot out a sharp dart...

Although Tuo Tuo is good at Gu, his martial arts is very ordinary. Compared with Luoxue, he is more than one level different. When Luoxue shot the dart with internal force, before she could open the box, she was already hit by the dart on her wrist. !


She screamed, covering her wrist, and the box in her hand fell on the man's pillow.

Luoxue followed him like a shadow, flew forward, and threw down a large amount of insect repellent, "If you want to get the emperor, just dream!"

A large amount of deworming medicine fell down one after another, and was sprinkled on Tuo Tuo's body and the sleeping man. Even Li Ruizhu, who had just crawled out from under the bed, was covered with powder...

Li Ruizhu climbed out. She no longer looked like a rich lady. Her hair was disheveled, her face was twisted and ferocious, and her hands kept grabbing her body.

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