Princess Tuotuo was trampled under her son's feet, half of her wrists had been cut off, her skin and flesh were flying, blood flowed all over the floor, and she fainted from the pain...

Although Luoxue was not injured, she was covered in chaff and collapsed there leaning against the door frame, looking completely lost.She knows Nangong Yi's personality and knows that she participated in this conspiracy against him. In all likelihood, he will not allow her to live anymore...

Nangong Yi and Mu Caiwei were intact, but their expressions were extremely cold.

Especially Nangong Yi, when he looked at her, there was no warmth in his eyes. It was like looking at a stranger. There was no anger as she expected, no disappointment, no accusation, nothing, just the coldness of a thousand-year iceberg... …

"Yier, I..."

Queen Mother Mo opened her mouth, not knowing how to explain this to her son.

Nangong Yi interrupted her coldly and mocked: "The queen must have been surprised to see her son not unconscious. Haha, I never thought that one day, my son would even have to guard against you..."

Queen Mother Mo's face suddenly turned pale. She was a smart person and naturally understood the meaning of her son's words. However, she just wanted to change her son to a queen who was worthy of him. She had no ill intentions towards her son!

"Yi'er, the queen has no ill intentions. The queen just wants to find a good queen for you. She, Mu Caiwei, is not worthy of being your queen."


Nangong Yi chuckled, and there was endless ridicule in the laughter: "She is not worthy? Then who is worthy? These two women on the ground or the one at the door? My queen wants to live with me for the rest of her life, not with the Queen Mother. I know better than the Queen Mother about who is suitable for me. Doesn’t the Queen Mother think she has too much control?"


Caiwei glanced at the dull-faced Queen Mother Mo, then at the stern-looking man, patted the man's hand, and said softly: "It's getting late, I'm going back to my door. If it's too late, my parents will be anxious." of……"

She deliberately avoided this place, lest the man would attack Queen Mother Mo in front of her later, which would make Queen Mother Mo feel unable to step down.

The poisoning of Nangong Yi was planned by Empress Dowager Mo. The man had already made up his mind on how to deal with it. She did not want to interfere, let alone participate...

Mu Mansion

Mu Zhongqing took the Du family and their children and relatives and waited anxiously in the mansion. Early this morning, the queen's chariot arrived, but only an empty chariot arrived. According to the queen's personal maid Chunliu, The empress went to inspect several shops at home temporarily and returned home after the inspection was completed.

It was a big deal for the Empress to return home from a wedding, so Mu Zhongqing didn't dare to slack off. He immediately sent a servant at home to check in every shop. As a result, there was no trace of the Empress in any shop.

Where has the queen gone? Ah, why is it so unsettling?

Mu Zhongqing and his wife were so anxious that they sometimes stretched their necks to look outside, sometimes coughed and sighed. They waited until they turned westward and finally waited for the Queen of the Jin Dynasty.

The Queen Empress went on tour incognito. She did not wear a phoenix robe, nor did she lead a large group of eunuchs and maids in a crowd. Instead, she only rode in a small sedan chair and brought two maids, Huanqiu and Xiaozhi, quietly. Returned home silently.

Although they were incognito, the Queen was here after all. Mu Zhongqing and his wife hurriedly brought their relatives, friends and children to kneel down and salute her. Caiwei was so panicked that she hurriedly grabbed her parents one by one and said: " If parents are like this, my daughter will never dare to go home again!"

Mu Zhongqing said: "My parents know that you are filial, but the etiquette cannot be broken. You are now the queen of the Jin Dynasty and a role model for women in the world. If it is spread that your parents do not abide by the national etiquette, it will not be good for you." Yes!"

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