Caiwei pointed at the people in the yard and said with a smile: "Dad, look, any of these people seem to be loose-mouthed. My daughter told him first that there is no reason why parents should kowtow to their daughters at home. If your parents want to salute your daughter outside, your daughter will never stop her. However, in your own home, your daughter will never receive such a courtesy from you and your elders.  "

In the courtyard, Mrs. Zhao, who came to pay homage to the empress, Mo Zili's wife Wu Shi Xiangyun, Mrs. Qiao, the wife of Director Han of the Hanlin Academy, Aunt Mu Liu and the shopkeepers of various shops in the family all laughed. He stood up and said, "What the Queen said is absolutely true. Lord Mu, just respect the Queen's will!"

Mu Zhongqing had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​worshiping his daughter and invited Caiwei into the lobby.

At this time, it was already evening, and it was time for dinner. A sumptuous banquet had been prepared at home to welcome the Queen.

When they were seated at the table, Mrs. Du insisted on letting Caiwei sit at the top of the table. He sat beside her, and Xiangyun on the other side sat with her.

In addition to the three of them, there are eight people at this table including Mrs. Han Qiao, Mrs. Zhao Zhao, Cai Fei, Aunt Mu Liu, and Aunt Mo.

Mu Zhongqing was a male family member and could not sit at the same table as the queen as a rule. Therefore, he set up a banquet outside and took Wen'er, Wu'er and several colleagues from the Hanlin Academy to eat together.

During the meal, Caiwei was extremely kind and approachable, and chatted happily with everyone. Aunt Mo was of a lower status than those other ladies, and she was not related to Caiwei like Aunt Mu Six, so she felt a little inferior and just kept her head down and was humble. He smiled and did not dare to speak casually.

Seeing her like this, Caiwei smiled and said, "I see that Madam Mo looks so good. I think she has been living a comfortable life recently!"

Aunt Mo lowered her head and smiled, and said: "As the Empress said, thanks to the Empress, the women of the common people have been doing very well recently, and their ears are finally clean, and no one will bother me anymore. "

When Caiwei heard this, she raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Oh, it turns out that Shopkeeper Ma has stopped. I just don't know how he stopped. Haha, I seem to have missed a lot of wonderful things!"

Aunt Mo said modestly: "What's so wonderful? It's just a trivial matter, not worthy of dirtying the Queen's ears."

Caiwei smiled and said: "It doesn't matter how big or small, as long as it's new and interesting, I like to hear it!"

Mrs. Zhao said: "Since the Empress likes to hear it, why don't I be more generous and tell it to the Empress, and by the way, it will relieve everyone's boredom."

Aunt Mo said: "Thanks to the queen, if you don't mind it, it's okay for a civilian woman to talk about it!"

It turned out that Shopkeeper Na and his new wife, Mrs. Bai, had been tweeting ever since they broke up in the nursing home that day.

Bai's face never felt well after being scratched by a parrot. Although he took a lot of medicine prescribed by famous doctors and applied a lot of expensive ointments, it had no effect at all, and the wound was still inflamed. Half of his pretty face was rotten, and his bones were exposed, making him look like a yaksha.

At first, shopkeeper Ma still resisted sleeping on the same bed with her, but the injuries on that bed became more and more serious and there was a strange smell of putrefaction. He finally couldn't stand it anymore and started to find various excuses not to return. Even after returning home, he refused to sleep with her.

Bai has a left-wing personality and has always blamed shopkeeper Ma for her disfigurement. Now shopkeeper Ma has begun to dislike her and is increasingly resentful. She cries and screams all day long, making the family restless.

Shopkeeper Ma had long regretted his mistake and wished he could divorce Mrs. Bai immediately and bring back Aunt Mo and her son. Just because Mr. Bai was in control of his embezzlement of Ju Fu's property and rice, he didn't dare to offend Mr. Bai, so he had to swallow his anger. But he still went to look for Aunt Mo behind his back, tangled up in a shameless manner.

Aunt Mo didn't want to tangle with him and scolded him several times, but he didn't repent. Later, he even got worse and worse, often pestering Aunt Mo on her way to and from the nursing home. Aunt Mo had no choice but to send someone to deal with the matter. Secretly told Mr. Bai.

Bai was worried these days because Shopkeeper Ma refused to sleep with her. After hearing this, she became furious and immediately hired a car to track Shopkeeper Ma's whereabouts.

With almost no effort, she spied on her man while Aunt Mo was on her way home.

When they saw her, the man was pulling Aunt Mo's carriage and begging bitterly.

"Cuihua, if you wait patiently for a few more days, the Yaksha Po's face will be rotten. She may go to see the King of Hell sooner or later. When the time comes, I will welcome you back and make you the mistress of the Ma family... "

Bai, who was sitting in the carriage, heard the voice of shopkeeper Ma, and her lungs were about to explode. She disfigured herself with this old dog just to please her original wife!

Her blood surged, and she suddenly jumped out of the car, rushed forward like a whirlwind, grabbed shopkeeper Ma's beard, and started rolling around and wailing.

"You're an evil old dog. After you've had enough fun with me, you start plotting my life with your old bitch. Have you forgotten how I serve you in bed..."

Shopkeeper Ma couldn't stand the troubles she made for a long time. Today, when he saw her slap him in the mouth in front of his ex-wife and cursed so many prostitutes that they were embarrassed to say, he immediately became angry. He slapped Bai down with his palm, then punched and kicked her hard, beating her until she was almost alive. In the end, she couldn't even scream, and was then thrown back into the car by shopkeeper Ma and dragged home...

From then on, Bai and Shopkeeper Ma completely fell out.

Shopkeeper Ma relied on Bai to support him for food, clothing, housing and transportation, so she was expected to not dare to expose him easily, and she looked down upon her less and less; and Bai had completely given up on Shopkeeper Ma, and she had no intention of exposing him. His resentment became more and more serious.

One day, while Shopkeeper Ma was at the restaurant, she secretly ran out of the house and handed the evidence of Shopkeeper Ma's corruption in Juford to the hands of Huo Yuan, the eldest son of the Huo family.

After Mr. Huo got the evidence, he checked it and found something fishy inside, so he sent someone to deliver the evidence to Yingtian Mansion.

Seeing the huge amount of money involved in the case, Mr. Yin of Yingtian Mansion immediately arrested Shopkeeper Ma. After interrogation and verification, it was found that Shopkeeper Ma had indeed embezzled a lot of property and grain from Jufu, and the second master of the Huo family was also involved. Complicity with them, and jointly embezzling money from the Mohuo family...

Mrs. Bai reported on Shopkeeper Ma, knowing that after Shopkeeper Ma's incident, the government would definitely come to confiscate their property, so she packed up all the valuable belongings at home and ran away with the property before the government came.

As for whether it is safe for a single, injured woman to flee with such a large amount of property, it is unknown...

After hearing this, Caiwei suddenly felt very happy. A villain like Shopkeeper Ma, who was ungrateful and abandoned his wife for a little beauty, deserved to end up in such a situation where his family was ruined, his wife was separated, and he was imprisoned.

And the Bai family is not much better. She deserves to be disfigured for ruining her family and living a life of neither humans nor ghosts...

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