Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1139 The fate of the bad guys (4)

Seeing him running away, Caiwei took back her poisoned foot. She felt confused. Why did this man suddenly run away like he was running for his life? Could it be that you have forgotten something important?

Huanqiu had long heard the emperor and the queen playing around in the room. When he saw the emperor leaving, he came in to help Caiwei wash up.

Caiwei saw that it was still early outside and it wasn't time for breakfast at home yet, so she asked Huanqiu to boil some bath water.

Yue Xin has passed, and she is in a hurry to clean herself, not to satisfy the man's wish, but to be able to control the space, and asks the turtle god to come out and help Tuo Tuo heal his hand. She saw with her own eyes how serious Tuo Tuo's hand was injured. Such a serious injury needs to be treated as soon as possible, sooner rather than later. Otherwise, once Tuo Tuo's hand is disabled, Miao Jiang will definitely be detrimental to Da Jin!

After taking a bath and dressing up, Caiwei, accompanied by Huanqiu and Xiaozhi, went to the front yard to have breakfast.

The family members had all gotten up early and were sitting in the living room waiting for her. When she saw her coming out, Du Shi smiled and said, "I'm finally up. If I don't get up again, my breakfast will be cold."

With that said, he ordered his servants to prepare the meal.

The breakfast was very sumptuous. It was cooked according to the specifications of the queen's wife in Guining. It included all kinds of chicken, duck, fish, and shark's fin. It was filled with a large table, which was extremely luxurious.

Caiwei sighed secretly in her heart. She became the queen, and her family's attitude towards her could no longer be as casual and intimate as before!

Everyone looked at her until she sat down, and then sat down in order.

"Weier, your father got up early and went to your third uncle Mu's house to tell Cai Lian what you said..."

Du Shi added a chopstick, fried green onion and sea cucumber, and put it into Caiwei's plate.

Caiwei said "Oh", "What did she say?"

Mu Zhongqing said: "I didn't say anything. She seems very happy. I already told your third aunt that she wants to drink millet porridge."

"Haha, I know!"

Caiwei chuckled, lowered her eyebrows, continued eating breakfast, and decided not to worry about her anymore...

After breakfast, because she was thinking about Tuo Tuo taking over, she didn't stay long, took Huan Qiu and Xiao Zhi, took a small sedan, and quietly returned to the palace.

My phoenix chariot Luanjia went back to the palace yesterday when the queen was supposed to return to the palace. She pretended that the queen had returned to the palace on time for everyone to see. Otherwise, the censor and officials would definitely accuse her of relying on pampering. There were no palace rules, which would embarrass Nangong Yi. She didn't want her man to embarrass herself, so she would rather sneak back to the palace in a small sedan chair than to let her man be blamed!

After entering the palace, Meng Huaian did not let her return to Chengqian Palace, but welcomed her into the imperial study.

Tuo Tuo applied lice poison to Chengqian Palace yesterday. Nangong Yi was afraid that there might be lice left over, so he had ordered people to sprinkle a large amount of anthelmintic medicine inside, and ordered people to search carefully, planning to wait for a while. When he goes back to live again, he and his woman will temporarily live in the imperial study room during this period.

The Imperial Study Room is located not far to the northeast of Chengqian Palace. It faces south to north and is against a red wall. It has nine rooms from east to west. It is where the emperors of the Jin Dynasty usually reviewed memorials. It is also the emperor's private residence. It is equivalent to the Qing Dynasty in China. Most people cannot enter the Yangxin Hall. Only the emperor can enter. The concubines of the past dynasties are not allowed to enter the imperial study. It is a great blessing to be able to enter the imperial study. It is a great blessing to live in the imperial study like Caiwei. Yes, Caiwei is the only one among the queens and concubines in the past dynasties!

Entering the imperial study room, you are faced with a huge golden nanmu desk, which is covered with memorials. It is the place where the emperor usually reviews memorials.

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