Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1140 The fate of the bad guys (5)

There are suites on the east and west sides, and the emperor's study on the west, where some ancient books, unique books, calligraphy and paintings by famous writers are displayed.

To the west is the emperor's living room. After entering, there is a heated kang, which was probably used by the emperor to sleep in winter when he was afraid of the cold. There are yellow kang felt mats, red flower kang blankets, mattresses, backrests, etc. on the kang, and there are saliva on the floor. Yu, Rongjing, Ruyi, Shun Dao. Kang tables and cabinets are placed on both sides of the kang, on which are placed rare stationery carved from jade, porcelain, enamel, bamboo, wood, ivory, horn and other materials.

The bedroom further inside is equipped with a wooden couch. The red sandalwood dragon couch is exquisitely carved and has a deep color. There is a bright yellow dragon tent hanging on it. There are bright yellow tassels decorated with coral beads hanging on the tent, making people lie down. I feel like falling asleep when I go up there.

In addition, the indoor space is full of furniture such as bookcases, Duobaoge, incense tables, long tables, crescent tables, piano tables, chairs, embroidered piers, and plans. Because the interior space is narrow and winding, the furniture is mostly made of fine and small black lacquer with gold, lacquer floor and mother-of-pearl inlay.

On the walls, in addition to silk and paper stickers, there are also hangings such as royal calligraphy, landscapes, flowers and birds, and hanging screens. The textures are mostly red sandalwood, carved lacquer, and enamel borders, and the interior is made of jade, gems, enamel, ivory, emeralds, etc. Material inlay.

Entering the imperial study room, a painting on the imperial desk attracted Caiwei's attention.

It was a realistic skull painting. The picture showed a weird skull. The skull was like a cow, with a pair of pointed horns. There was also a slightly smaller horn on the nose, like a rhinoceros. The difference is that there is a head shield on the ground near the neck, which is completely different from that of a rhinoceros.


Caiwei was shocked. She had seen this obviously Triceratops skull in a museum in her previous life and knew a little about it.

Triceratops was one of the strongest herbivorous dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period. It was estimated to be 7.9 to 9 meters long, 2.9 to 3 meters tall, and weighed 6.1 to 12 tons. With thick skin, hard horns and head shields, even Tyrannosaurus rex wouldn't dare to prey on them easily. An adult Triceratops can defeat an adult Tyrannosaurus rex!

Unexpectedly, this kind of animal actually exists in this time and space!

Just as she was thinking about it, the man had already returned from the court. When he saw her holding the drawing and standing in front of the dragon table, thinking deeply, he chuckled and walked forward slowly, took the drawing and explained: "This drawing was given by the governor of Qingzhou." They came and said that the monster in the picture was found in Erlong Mountain in Yuanning County, Qingzhou. I have ordered them to send the skull to the capital, and Shi Weier will be able to see it in about half a month!"

Caiwei raised her eyebrows and asked, "What are you sending to the capital for?"

The man said: "When the officials saw this picture, they often called it a dragon. They were all afraid that Erlong Mountain contained dragon veins and would shake the country of the Jin Dynasty. They all advised me to kill all the people within a hundred miles of Erlong Mountain in order to To avoid future trouble, I don’t want to ignore human life easily, so I ordered people to send this head to the capital for everyone to study it before making a decision!"

"Are you going to kill an entire city because of an inexplicable skull?"

Caiwei was so angry that she really wanted to say something that people in her world often said: There is no culture. This is obviously a Triceratops from ancient times, just a dinosaur. How does it involve the dragon veins and the country?

Nangong Yi said: "I don't want to kill people at will, so I ordered them to transport the skull to the capital. By then, I will definitely find evidence to show that this is not a dragon head at all."

"The emperor has seen a real dragon head? Or has any of the ministers seen a real dragon head?" Caiwei asked.

Nangong Yi paused for a moment, placed the painting in his hand on the dragon table, turned to Caiwei and said, "No, so what?"

Caiwei said: "Since it doesn't exist, what evidence does the emperor have to prove that it is not a dragon? This skull has two horns similar to those of a dragon, and it is huge. It is very similar to the legendary dragon. When the skull arrives in the capital, the ministers will You will definitely be shocked when you see this shocking big thing. When people see something that cannot be explained within the scope of their knowledge, they usually instinctively attribute the thing to a god or monster. Therefore, they finally judge it to be There will definitely be a lot of dragons."

Remembering her previous life, she read a book that said that during the Spring and Autumn Period, someone dug out a huge bone in the ground. The monarch at that time was shocked when he saw the huge bone. He didn't know what kind of creature could grow like this. When he was old, he asked the learned Confucius for advice.

According to Caiwei's guess, the giant bone should be the skeleton of some kind of dinosaur. However, Confucius didn't know what a dinosaur was, and he didn't want to admit that he didn't know it, so he explained to the king that the bones were from ancient times. The bones of the giant Fang Feng who were executed by Yu.

This explanation has been mythologized, and it is in line with people's psychological characteristics of blaming unexplained things on gods. They immediately believed it and worshiped Confucius so much that they thought Confucius knew everything!

Nangong Yi's face darkened after hearing Caiwei's words.

He has never been a soft-hearted person, and killing people is nothing to him. However, if he is asked to slaughter so many innocent people with just one skull, he really can't do it.

However, if you don't kill him, if someone with ulterior motives makes a fuss about this matter in the future and shakes the country of Jin Dynasty, you will be in big trouble!

Seeing that Nangong Yi was silent, Caiwei walked around the dragon table and sat on the dragon chair. She took the pen and ink and began to draw on the paper.

She half-bowed her head and drew with her pen, sometimes concentrating and sometimes frowning in thought. After a while, she finally drew a realistic picture of an animal's skeleton. The animal had limbs, a tail, and a body shape similar to that of a pig. There is not much difference between a cow and a cow, but the skull is exactly the "dragon head" on his case!

"What's this?"

Nangong Yi took the picture from his woman's hand and was a little surprised!

Caiwei said calmly: "Triceratops!"

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