Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1141 Give you a child (1)

With Caiwei's explanation about Triceratops, Nangong Yi suddenly felt reassured. He picked up the picture Caiwei drew and turned around to walk out.

"I know what to do. Don't worry, Weier, the people of Yuanning County will no longer be in danger of their lives."

Seeing that he was about to leave, Caiwei hurriedly stopped him: "Hey, where are you going?"

The man waved the picture in his hand and said: "Look at this for those ministers who advocate massacre of the city. A group of pedantic and stubborn old men want to waste the lives of the people without understanding the truth. Today I I have to give them a good slap on the face and see if they dare to preach in front of me in the future!"

Caiwei raised her forehead and said, "Isn't it too simple to slap someone in the face with just a painting? What if they don't believe it?"

Nangong Yi said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, I will send a message right now, asking the villagers in Yuanning County who dug up the skull to lead others to continue digging and dig out the body. Let's see what else they have to say?"

Caiwei said: "Hey, haven't you heard the story of the vicissitudes of life? The earth's crust is constantly moving and changing. Even this skull may have been separated from its body during the changes in the earth's crust. Furthermore, who Do you know what happened to this Triceratops after it died? In that era of strong predators, it was unknown whether it was eaten or dismembered after death. In such a big mountain forest, where can you let people dig it? "

The man said: "You have to give it a try. Maybe you can dig it out right away. Or, didn't you say that triceratops lived in groups? There must be other triceratops on this mountain. If you dig more places, you will dig it out sooner or later." from!"

Caiwei said: "You think it's the Foolish Old Man who moved the mountains? Even if the people of Yuanning County have the energy to dig, the aggressive veterans in the court don't have the patience to wait!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man's originally cheerful and handsome face suddenly dimmed. Yes, digging up several dinosaur bones in a mountain forest that stretches for hundreds of miles is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

Seeing that the man was wilting, Caiwei laughed mischievously: "Go, why don't you go? You weren't in high spirits just now, do you want to settle accounts with others? Is there nothing you can do now?"

The man looked at Caiwei, and suddenly said in a soft voice: "Is there anything you can do to help your husband? Otherwise, let your husband hug you!"


Caiwei almost fell off the dragon chair!

Did she hear it correctly? Is this guy begging her to act coquettishly and cutely to her? Yes, it must be, look at his pitiful look, his charming eyes blinking at her, he was clearly trying to be cute to her!

However, this guy does have the talent to act coquettishly and cutely.

That face that captivates the nation and confuses all sentient beings always has an evil and charming smile, slightly narrowed eyes, and a slightly raised lip corner. It looks evil and makes people's hearts beat; this After a while, the usual evil smile suddenly changed into a simple and flattering smile. Although it no longer made people feel heart-thumping, it really made people feel distressed and couldn't bear to reject him!

Hey, good looks are good!

Caiwei was defeated, and for the sake of the thousands of people in Yuanning County, she gave him some advice.

"I will let the parrot find the location where the triceratops bodies are buried. When the time comes, all you have to do is send people to dig out!" After that, he called the parrot out and handed over the task to it.

Nangong Yi also summoned Zhui Feng and asked him to take the people and Ying Ge to Yuanning County in Qingzhou to excavate the bones of Triceratops!

After the arrangements were made, Zhuifeng left with Yingge...

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