Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1142 Give you a child (2)

The man turned to Caiwei and smiled mischievously: "My wife's thighs are so huggable, let me hug her again!" With that, he walked towards Caiwei.

Caiwei was startled, looking at his green wolf-like eyes, and immediately knew what he wanted to do. This guy's face changed too quickly. Just now he was in a pitiful begging mode. After his goal was achieved, , in an instant he turned into a big bad wolf grinding his teeth, killing the donkey and then eating the donkey...

She jumped up quickly, kept a distance from the man, and said eagerly: "I remembered, I'm going to take over Tuo Tuo's job. Saving people is like putting out fires, so I'll go first!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Just kidding, let him hug his thigh? ’ Unless her head gets caught in the door.

She was injured on her wedding night, and it still hurts inside. Now she is afraid when she thinks about it, fearing that it will leave a psychological shadow!

Seeing his wife running away like a rabbit, Nangong Yi rubbed his eyebrows and blamed himself!

Hey, it's all because he used too much force that night and injured her. Her expression changed when she heard the sound. When she mentioned that, she clamped her legs reflexively and looked at him with a look of horror!

However, he was not discouraged. After all, she was already his. As time went by, he would definitely be able to find a way to transform her emotions back. Later, he would go find some pornographic books to research and see if there was any way to make her feel better. Be happy and no longer afraid.

Caiwei ran outside and was relieved when she saw that the man didn't chase her out. She was really afraid that the man would show his bestiality and drag her back to have sex in the daytime. Fortunately, he still had some respect for his face and didn't do anything so immoral. thing.

Outside the royal study, Zhuyue was guarding the door, ready to listen to his master's orders at any time. When he saw Caiwei, he lowered his head and held his hands in his hands, shouting: "Empress!"

This cold-faced guy used to hate her the most. Even if she never met him, she could see some undisguised disgust from his expressionless face. Caiwei was not a saint, so of course she would be unhappy. .

However, she also knew that Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue hated her because she always brought trouble to their master. Therefore, although she felt a little uncomfortable, she never thought about the opportunity to retaliate against them or play tricks on them, but she never Let it go.

"Ba Bo'er Ben, take me to the place where Princess Tuo Tuo is imprisoned!"

The corners of Zhuyue's mouth twitched a few times, and he could clearly see the other guards looking at him in surprise.

A cold sweat broke out on his head. It seemed that the ridiculous name "Ba Bo'er Ben" was about to be called out in the palace. Hey, the majesty of his dignified captain of the bodyguard!

The secret room in the palace was specially set up for the nobles who made mistakes in the palace. Although it was a prison, the conditions were much better than the punishment department where the palace maids and eunuchs were imprisoned when they made mistakes. At least there were beds and quilts inside, and they were alone. human room.

Caiwei left Zhuyue outside and sent out the person who was guarding Tuotuo in the secret room, so as not to inconvenience the Turtle Immortal when he came out.

At this time, Tuo Tuo was lying on the couch and asleep, his face was as pale as a ghost, and his lips were peeling.

Her hand was seriously injured, and she was given acupuncture yesterday, which severely damaged her vitality. Now she is not half as beautiful and bright as before. She is like a dilapidated rag doll, lying there silently, if not There is still a slight breath between her nostrils, which really makes people think that she is dead.

Caiwei shook her head and truly felt sorry for her stupidity. A high-ranking princess could obviously have a lot of men for her to choose from, but she made herself look like this in order to fight for a man who didn't belong to her. Look, what a pity!

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