Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1143 Give you a child (3)

Although it was a pity, she did not sympathize with Tuo Tuo. She had never had a good impression of women who coveted her men. If it were not for the sake of peace between Dajin and Miao, she would never have rescued Tuo Tuo based on what he had done. her!

After watching Tuo Tuo for a while, Caiwei released the Turtle Immortal and asked him to treat Tuo Tuo. Not only Tuo Tuo, but also Li Ruizhu would be safe.

Li Kaifeng, the general who protects the country, loves his daughter as much as he wants. He is in charge of the Jin Dynasty's 300,000-strong army. If Li Ruizhu's affairs have a different intention, it will definitely be a big trouble for Nangong Yi.

In fact, Caiwei is not afraid of him. It is easy for her to kill him. She can let him die without anyone noticing. Li Kaifeng has made contributions in quelling the rebellion of the deposed prince. It can be said that the contribution lies with Sheji, so as long as He can't bear any ulterior motives, Caiwei will not attack him easily, but if he has other thoughts, Caiwei will never be soft!

Therefore, after she cured Tuo Tuo, she planned to ask Tuo Tuo to help Li Ruizhu detoxify the lice cup.

Li Kaifeng's contribution in quelling the rebellion of the deposed prince can be said to be attributed to Sheji. Therefore, as long as he does not have any ulterior motives, Caiwei is

Turtle Great Immortal has excellent medical skills. In the eyes of others, Tuotuo's injuries are hopeless, but in its eyes, it is just a matter of a stick of ointment and a few elixirs!

Soon, Tuo Tuo's broken wrist was smeared with a layer of light green ointment. The ointment was sticky and had a light fragrance, which smelled very good.

"Master, I'm fine now! As long as I apply medicine on time every day and take the elixir, I'll be back to health within ten days!"

Turtle Immortal slowly placed the ointment and a gourd containing the elixir on Tuo Tuo's pillow, indicating that he was done.

Caiwei called the guard who was looking after Tuo Tuo, gave him the ointment and the gourd containing the elixir, and told him how to apply the ointment and how to take the elixir, and then left with peace of mind.

It was noon in September, the wind was gentle and the sun was just right.

In Duke Li's mansion, Xiangyun was sitting on the kang, holding a thin wolf hair and tracing a pattern with his head.

This pattern was what she saw on the tips of the shoes of two little kids from the Mu family yesterday when they were attending a banquet in the Mu family. They were two monkey heads with big mouths. They were smiling and very cute. Xiangyun saw them at the first sight Just like it very much.

According to Mrs. Mu, this pattern was drawn by Cai Wei and was called Big-mouthed Monkey. She also liked it very much, so she embroidered it into shoe uppers for two little kids to wear. As a result, many people liked the pattern immediately. , now her family’s fabric shop has also started selling fabrics with big-mouthed monkey balls, and the sales are very good!

Auntie Xie, Xiangyun's nanny, saw that Xiangyun didn't move for most of the day, just immersed in tracing flowers. She couldn't help but sighed and said: "Young madam, don't blame me for talking too much. Now the young master's heart is not with the young madam. Why don't you, Madam, embroider a purse, fan bag or shoe cover for him to please him? What's the use of just making up these weird patterns? Winning back the young master's heart is what's important!"

Xiangyun continued to draw without even pausing and said without raising his head: "It's not like we haven't used this trick before. It took us a month to make clothes for others, but in the end they couldn't even wear them." If I wear it once, why should I bother myself and make others uncomfortable in front of others?"

Grandma Xie said anxiously: "Young madam, you can't say that. People's hearts have always been fleshy since ancient times. As long as young madam insists on being good to the young master, and is loyal and has good fortune, the young master will change his mind sooner or later!"


Xiangyun laughed mockingly and lowered his head.

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