Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1146 Xiangyun’s decision (1)

Zheng Ye left with a lot of doubts. Before leaving, he did not forget to glance at the queen's kang table secretly. He thought for a long time and couldn't figure out what method the queen used to settle the score. I took a pen and drew some strange symbols on the paper, and then I was able to calculate a thick account. It was really amazing!

If Caiwei knew what Eunuch Zheng was thinking, she would kindly tell him that her method of settling accounts is very simple - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of Arabic numerals!

After dinner, Nangong Yi suggested taking Caiwei for a walk in the Imperial Garden, saying it was for digestion. Caiwei did not doubt his presence and happily followed him to the Imperial Garden.

At this time, the sky had just darkened, and there were no lights in the Imperial Garden. The scenery was still vaguely discernible, but it was all blurry and shadowy. It was far less beautiful than the scenery in the daytime, especially the rockery pavilions in the distance. In the dark night, it was pitch black and looked a bit scary.

Although Caiwei didn't like to go out for a walk at this time, when she saw the man's high spirits, she couldn't bear to dampen his enthusiasm and had to keep walking with him.

It was getting darker and darker, and gradually, even the road could not be seen clearly, but the man was still interested, pulling Caiwei to walk and chat.

"I heard that you built a commercial street over there in Lingbei?"

"Well! With glass in Lingbei, you will soon become rich. Doing business there will definitely make money!"

"Aren't you afraid that there will be too many people there to take away your glass business?"

"Not afraid----"

Caiwei smiled proudly, like a cunning little fox.

"Tuoba Kui has signed an agreement with me. I will purchase all Mengnu's glass and shall not sell it to others without permission. This agreement has been listed as the law of Mengnu. Mengnu's people dare not violate it easily. Yes, besides, there are not many businessmen who have the courage to go to Mengnu’s land and violate Mengnu’s laws. Even if they do, no Mengnu would dare to sell glass to them unless they are willing to pay a high price."

"They bought the glass at a high price. If they can transport the glass safely across the Karen Mountains, I will admit it, and they will be considered capable!"

Speaking of transporting glass, Nangong Yi suddenly thought of his tragic experience transporting glass when his victorious troops returned from the Northern Expedition, and suddenly realized how shrewd his young wife was.

The Kalon Mountains are high and the roads are steep. It is indeed not an easy task to transport something as fragile as glass over the mountains. Even if someone can do it, the high price of purchasing the glass and the loss during transportation and the cost of traveling over the mountains are not included. When it comes to the labor cost of backing the glass, you really can’t earn much money from a piece of glass, so no one will try to make glass!

Nangong Yi also smiled, pinched her nose affectionately, and said, "You are already a queen, and the entire Jin Dynasty's treasures are at your disposal. Why are you still so obsessed with money?"

Caiwei said seriously: "I'm not short of money. I can't spend all my money in a lifetime. The reason why I'm still thinking about making money is because there are so many poor people in the world who have nothing to support. As a child, I had no one to rely on, no clothes to cover my body, and no food to eat. I just wanted to make more money, open more nursing homes, and let those poor homeless people have a place to stay, so that they would no longer need to eat. As for freezing to death and starving to death, let this society become harmonious and comfortable!"

In the night wind, Caiwei's voice was very light and soft, with the unique crispness and sweetness of a girl. It was as soft and waxy as the water in a stream. Although it was gentle, it carried a firm and forward tenacity that made people laugh. Can't be underestimated!

After saying this, Nangong Yi was silent for a long time. After a long time, he said leisurely: "Weier, how could I, Nangong Yi, be so virtuous that I can have you in my life!"

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