Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1147 Xiangyun’s decision (2)

Caiwei laughed and said, "Isn't this sensational? Well, since you know how good I am, just help me do a few things that I want to do but can't do!"

Nangong Yi said: "Whatever the matter, madam, just ask!"

Caiwei said: "I want to open nursing homes across the country to provide support for the lonely elderly, disabled people and homeless children who have no one to support them. This is a very expensive thing. If it costs The money in the treasury will definitely be opposed by many conservative ministers. You have just ascended the throne, and I don’t want you to be criticized. Therefore, I will bear all the expenses for the construction of the alimony hall and the subsequent expenses of the alimony hall. You only need to Just choose reliable people in each state to manage the nursing home, and let them treat the old, young, sick and disabled in the nursing home well!

Nangong Yi said: "This is simple, but will it be difficult for you to support so many old, young, sick and disabled people by yourself? Why don't I launch a fundraiser, so that we can not only use money from the treasury but also raise a lot of money?" Less money. "


Caiwei rejected him flatly, "Everyone in the world knows that I founded the nursing home. If I raise donations in the name of the nursing home, someone will definitely spread rumors that I am trying to gain fame and gain money in the name of raising donations. Although I don't care. No matter what others think of me, I have to care about the impact on you. Don’t worry, if I don’t have the ability to open a nursing home, I won’t try to show off. Since I want to open it, I have full confidence!"

Nangong Yi knew that Caiwei had extraordinary abilities. Since she said so, she must be confident enough.

"Wei'er, people in the world often say that by marrying me as your queen, you are trying to impress me, turning a sparrow into a phoenix. In fact, only I know that I was the one who influenced you and hugged you!"

Upon hearing the words 'hug the thigh', Caiwei stiffened instinctively, then looked up at the waning moon in the sky and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

Nangong Yi looked forward and suddenly said: "Huh? There is a pavilion in front. Why don't we go in and sit for a while? It's still early anyway and there is nothing to do when we go back but sleep!"

Hearing the word "sleep", Caiwei became excited and immediately gave in unconditionally, obediently following Nangong Yi into the pavilion.

Sleeping, sleeping at this time, and sleeping with a man, is simply asking for death!

The night was dark and windy. In order not to go back to 'sleep', Caiwei sat in the pavilion resigned to her fate and chatted with the man, about their first meeting, about their poems in town, and about their teaming up to deal with Tianjizi...

When Tianjizi was mentioned, Caiwei's face became a little more excited, "Hey, you know, I found Tianjizi's head and destroyed it!"

Nangong Yi raised his eyebrows, with a bit of displeasure on his face: "When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

"It happened in the first few days when you arrived in Lingbei. The old monster hid in Lu Junchen's house and taught Lu Junchen's beast to practice the magic of harvesting yin and replenishing yang, hoping to seize the opportunity after Lu Junchen perfected it. Shit, luckily I discovered it in time, otherwise something might have happened!"

"That's it!"

Knowing that this happened while he was away, the man's expression relaxed. Otherwise, he would be unhappy if she went on an adventure alone without telling him such a big thing!

Caiwei said: "I have sealed his ashes in an alchemy furnace owned by Immortal Turtle. When it is free someday, I will give it to Master Li and ask him to help me handle it properly to avoid any complications!"

Nangong Yi said: "Well, Tianjizi's magic power is very powerful and unfathomable, so it's better to be cautious!"

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