Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1148 Xiangyun’s decision (3)

Caiwei asked a little strangely: "There is one thing that I have never been able to figure out. Tianjizi and Concubine Jin's mother and son were in the same group back then. Why didn't he kill you? Logically, with his magic power, he should kill you. Is it a piece of cake?"

Mentioning the past events, the man's face became a little more solemn. He said: "Tianjizi's magic power is very powerful and unfathomable. In order to get his support, Duke Liguo's government also made great efforts to win him over. The reason why he didn't kill me was firstly because my grandfather spent a lot of money and thought on him, and secondly because he could better control Nangong Shi by keeping me, as long as he dared to be disobedient. Wherever he is, he will abandon him and support me instead!"

"What a cunning old monster!"

Caiwei said angrily: "Thankfully he is dead, otherwise, the person sitting here now would definitely not be you!"

Nangong Yi said with emotion: "Thanks to my husband for being wise and hugging my wife's thigh. Otherwise, I would most likely be sitting in the prison of the clan's mansion with a mouse!"

With that said, he loudly called Yang Yong who was following them from a distance.

"Go and get a pot of wine. I want to toast the Queen three glasses of wine!"

Caiwei said softly: "It's too formal, Yi, it doesn't have to be like this between us!"

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the night concealed the man's cunning eyes. She just said that the man was feeling this and was grateful to her for helping him destroy Tianjizi!

The man said sternly: "Having said that, I always think of the shocking scene when you helped me eliminate Tianjizi that day, and also the scene where you suddenly appeared later when I was trapped in the North due to lack of food and grass and had no way out. ."

"Weier, if it weren't for you, I would have died several times, so I will owe you my whole life!"

Caiwei's emotions were aroused by him. She blushed, looked at the man emotionally, and said narrowly: "Speaking of which, I don't know when you started to be attracted to me. I'll take advantage of the free time today." , tell me!"


Nangong Yiqu raised his fingers and flicked her forehead gently, his eyes full of endearment.

"Tell me, people want to know!"

Caiwei's eyes were bright and blinking. Yi Xiyi looked at the man angrily, rarely acting coquettishly with him.

Nangong Yi looked at her clear big eyes and playful and smart eyes. He couldn't resist it. He coughed and said, "I don't know when it started. I only found out about it halfway. You probably saved me." Later, I wanted to repay my kindness by accepting you as my concubine, but after you flatly rejected me, I started to pay attention to you!"

At that time, he really didn't take women seriously. His status was valuable, and there were always countless women surrounding him. They were very attentive to him and wanted to recommend themselves to him. Therefore, his attitude towards women at that time was very She was contemptuous, thinking that as long as he would accept her, she would be grateful and excited, but she didn't know that she didn't care about him at all, and didn't take him seriously at all.

Maybe what he can't get is the best. After being rejected, he began to pay close attention to her. The more he paid attention to her, he found that there were so many things about her that were different from other women. Almost every time he saw her, She can leave him with memories of surprise or joy.

From her concept of "two people for life" to the big word "mean" left on his back, he couldn't stop paying attention to her, couldn't stop thinking about her, until he gradually fell into it...

"What about before that? How did you feel about me before that?" Caiwei asked.

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