Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1150 Xiangyun’s decision (5)

"Dewdrops are rare and difficult to collect. It took a lot of effort to brew only four jars. The ancestors of past dynasties couldn't bear to drink them all. Every emperor only drank one jar when he was in power, and I don't plan to be an exception!"

Caiwei looked at the cup that she drank up in one gulp, and said regretfully: "Oh, it's so precious. No wonder you didn't even bother to take out this century-old osmanthus brew when we got married, but I drank it all in one gulp." , isn’t it a pity that I didn’t even have time to taste it properly?”

Nangong Yi poured her another glass and said, "Drink slowly this time, and enjoy it in your stomach!"


Caiwei nodded, solemnly picked up the cup of pure and transparent century-old osmanthus brew, and tasted it in small sips.

Suddenly, your mouth is full of fragrance, mellow and deep, with a long aftertaste...

Unknowingly, a pot of fine wine was drunk. Nangong Yi only ate one cup, and the rest went into Cai Wei's stomach.

After finishing the drink, Caiwei shook the empty wine bottle and said, "No..." Yes, it's really... It's a pity..."

Nangong Yi looked at his drunken and confused little daughter-in-law, and felt itchy, but tried his best to restrain himself and said, "Although this wine is good, it has great staying power. It's getting late, let's go back."


Caiwei stiffened her tongue, stood up unsteadily with her hands on the table, and walked towards the dragon chariot with weak legs and feet.

When going down the steps, she lost her balance and almost fell to the ground, but Nangong Yi quickly caught her with his eyes and hands.

"Watch out!"

Nangong Yi hugged her and staggered her around, unable to stand firmly, so he simply held her horizontally in his arms and said, "You are so drunk and you are so greedy. I really can't do anything with you..." "

With that said, he carried her to the dragon chariot.

Caiwei felt extremely comfortable being held by the man. She hummed twice, rubbed her little head in the man's arms twice, and fell into a deep sleep.

Arriving on the dragon chariot, Nangong Yi laid Caiwei flat on the sleeping couch and coaxed: "Madam, is it hot? Do you want me to help you take off your clothes?"

"...Yeah" Caiwei agreed in a daze.

The man's heart was filled with joy. He had been busy all night, stirring up emotions and remembering the sweet things, but not just for this moment. "Okay, be good, my husband will come soon..."

Not long after, the eunuchs carrying the dragon chariot suddenly felt something was wrong with their shoulders. The dragon chariot was actually moving rhythmically... move……

Yang Yong glanced at the shaking dragon chariot and stared in shock, but he quickly suppressed his shock. He turned around and continued on his way, not daring to express anything strange.

When the eunuchs carrying the dragon chariot saw the chief steward like this, they all lowered their heads, pretending not to hear or feel anything strange, and steadily carried the dragon chariot outside the royal study.

After the dragon chariot fell, the eunuchs quietly retreated to one side. A dozen young palace maids stepped forward and surrounded the dragon chariot, ready to be dispatched at any time.

The movement inside was getting louder and louder. It was the emperor's heavy breathing, followed by the empress's moans and shouts, which made the palace daughters blush and couldn't help but squeeze the handkerchiefs in their hands...


When it was almost dawn, the dragon chariot finally became quiet. The emperor stepped down from the dragon chariot in a well-dressed state, holding the sleeping queen in his arms, and strode towards the imperial study room...

At last dawn, Mo Zili woke up from his coma and found Xiangyun sleeping beside the bed.

The whole night, she didn't close her eyes, and she served him with her clothes on, wiping the cold sweat on his head, pouring him water, and feeding him boiled pulpy millet. It wasn't until dawn, when he fell asleep, that she lay on the bed. Bian'er squinted for a while.

Over the course of one night, she had already figured out that as long as a person lives and the vegetation lasts, she must be worthy of her own life!

She has decided that in this life, she will live for herself and live the way she likes. When Mo Zili's injury is healed, she will make peace with him and fulfill his wish. Let him marry the woman she loves and fulfill herself. Live the life you want!

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