Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1151 Mo Zili’s thoughts (1)

The morning sun shone warmly into the inner room, shining on Xiangyun's pale and thin face.

When Mo Zili's eyes traveled over her little face, he was stunned for a moment, and stopped on her sleeping face, without moving his eyes for a long time.

He had known Xiangyun since they were young, and they were his childhood sweethearts. In his impression, she had always been a lively girl with baby fat and a rosy complexion. When did she become so thin and pale? And her sleeping face, although she was as quiet as a child, her two delicate eyebrows were knitted together...

It was obvious that she was not having a good life and was unhappy. She was pale and thin, and her sharp jaw was protruding. Even when she was asleep, her eyebrows were furrowed and she looked worried...

Mo Zili felt guilty in his heart. He knew why she was like this.

However, knowing that he was sorry for her, he could only give her the status of a wife and a child to compensate, but other than that, there was nothing he could do.

The descendants of the Mo family are all upright people, and he is no exception. The reason why he had no objection to marrying her before was because he had never loved any woman before. He had known Xiangyun since he was a child, and the family background and age of the two families were similar. Maosou was very suitable, so he let his parents decide on his marriage.

Originally, he thought that human life was like this, marrying a wife, having children, and living a regular life.

Until, a few months ago.

He went to the Peach Blossom Temple for a spring outing, and accidentally saw a face that was so clean that he could see it under a peach blossom tree in full bloom. The owner of that face was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and he had two swollen hairs as thin as willow leaves. She has smoky eyebrows, a pair of affectionate eyes that seem to be happy but not joyful, and is full of worries about both sides. She is delicate and disease-ridden. She is as quiet as a delicate flower shining on the water, and moves like a soft willow supporting the wind. She is truly a beauty like jade!

She was wearing a simple and elegant aqua blue woven flowered jacket and azure flowered skirt. She was leisurely and graceful. She was alone under a pink and white peach blossom tree. She looked like a fairy and caught his eyes. .

For the first time, he asked someone about the woman's identity and learned that she was actually the legitimate daughter of Duke An Guo.

The reputation of Duke Anguo's Palace is very bad and has always been looked down upon by the powerful people in the capital. The girls in Duke Anguo's Palace are used for marriage, in order to consolidate the shaky status of Duke Anguo's Palace. Hearing this, he felt a little regretful that such an elegant and indifferent girl would end up in another family in the future!

Later, he always inquired about the woman intentionally or unintentionally, because the pretty figure in Peach Blossom Temple did not blur or disappear due to the passage of the world, but became more and more clear. Later, the Liguo Palace was imprisoned, and the During the few months of the ban, he often thought of the shadow of Water Hibiscus and independence from the world. At that time, he had already decided that when the government lifted the ban, he would tell his grandparents and withdraw from the Marquis of Jian'an. After the marriage was arranged by the government, she went to Duke Li's government office to propose marriage to her.

Unfortunately, fate is not as good as fate. When Duke Li's government lifted the ban, she was already married. It was said that she married the inhumane Jin Dapeng on behalf of her cousin who had escaped from marriage. Subsequently, Duke An's government, The houses of the Marquis of Wuchang were confiscated, and the female relatives were imprisoned and demoted to slavery.

Without thinking, he redeemed her body and placed her in an exquisite little house in Willow Lane.

At this time, her identity was no longer the young lady of Duke Anguo's palace, but the daughter of a criminal minister. She was a slave, and it was impossible to marry her.

Therefore, he married Xiangyun as promised and gave her a status and enough respect, but his love must be reserved for the woman of his choice.

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