Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1162 Turning green (2)

"Wrong, it's 'you'!"

When Mo Zili saw her talking, the corners of his lips raised slightly, showing a bit of pride.

Xiangyun was stunned and pointed at the tip of her nose: "It's me, how could it be me?" After saying that, she suddenly remembered that the man's finger was pointing at her.

"It seems that your intelligence is also worrying!" Mo Zili said bluntly.


Xiangyun was entangled by him, so she naturally refused to let it go. She rolled her eyes, thought of it, stretched out a finger, and made a sharp jab at the wall, saying: "A person keeps using his finger. Poke the wall hard and hit an insect."

Seeing her funny actions, Mo Zili was so amused that he almost laughed. His lungs that were about to explode from her just returned to normal. He thought for a while and said, "There are masters with strong internal skills in the world, who can be used." Pricking a brick with one finger is called one-finger Zen. What you are talking about is the homophone of one-finger Zen, cicada?"

Xiangyun curled his lips: "Wrong, it's Feng (crazy)!"

She rubbed her moving finger and said, "It hurts to poke the wall with your finger. He must be crazy, otherwise he wouldn't do this!"

Mo Zili: "..."

Taking advantage of the excitement, Xiangyun continued to use that finger to repeat the action of poking the wall, and said: "The person then used this finger to poke the wall hard and hit an animal?"

Mo Zili said: "Tiger! (Dajin dialect: translated as short-sighted)"

Xiangyun shook his head and said: "We are already crazy. How can we talk about tigers and tigers? Let me tell you, it is a snake (zhe). Think about it. Take a finger and keep poking the wall hard. The finger It will definitely work. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you give it a try?”

Mo Zili's mouth twitched and he looked at her speechlessly.

It seems like there is no need to try this!

Xiangyun closed the book, ignored the man's dark face, and said, "Hey, forget it, I won't take the test for you. You won't be able to answer the test anyway, so you will be embarrassed."

As she said that, she stood up and walked out. When she was about to reach the door, she suddenly stopped. As if she remembered something, she turned back and added: "Oh, by the way, this book was written by Caiwei for her two little brothers." Yes, those two little kids are seven years old and four years old, hehehe..."

At this moment, Mo Zili's face was twisted, and his expression was worse than some unknown object in the latrine. How could this woman run away after humiliating him? How could she be so cheap?

He gritted his teeth and said, "Where are you going?"

Xiangyun had already walked to the door. When he heard his question, he turned around and said, "I'll call Wangcai to come in and serve you. Look, I'm suffocating you so much that your face is turning green!"


Mo Zili suddenly vomited blood and died at the age of eighteen!

At night, all the people in Qingyun Town fell asleep. Caiwei summoned the white-haired tiger and rode it straight to the royal city in Lingbei...

Qingyun Town is not very far from the Royal City in Lingbei. It only arrived at the third watch. When we ran to the newly built commercial street, Caiwei took the white-haired tiger back into the space and patrolled the commercial street alone.

In more than two months, the commercial street has been completely repaired. It is a spacious and straight bluestone road. On both sides of the road are shops in the style of the Jin Dynasty. They are all two-story buildings in a unified style. They look impressive. Extremely!

Caiwei walked on the long streets, feeling excited and feeling accomplished. She had established a business empire in Lingbei. The next thing she had to do was to open a shop and make a lot of money...

Since it was still dark and she couldn't see anything clearly, Caiwei walked for a while and then entered the space. There were still many things to do when it got light, so she had to seize the opportunity to sleep while she was free now. Get some sleep, otherwise, there will be no time during the day!

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