Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1163 Turning green (3)

The time in space is different from the time outside. Three hours have passed in space, and only one has passed outside. Therefore, after Caiwei slept happily for six hours in space, only two hours have passed outside, and it has just been the fifth watch.

After getting up, Caiwei went to take a bath in the hot spring to relieve the bed odor. The traces left by Nangong Yi on her body had not faded yet. They were green and purple, which was embarrassing to look at, especially her breasts and legs. The skin at the root is a different color than the rest of the skin. It’s hard to tell how hard he used to rub it!

Caiwei gritted her teeth and decided to punish him to see if he dared to act like a gangster to her again or admit it!

After taking a bath, her body felt much more comfortable, and the marks on her body were much lighter. She put on a pajamas, went to the yard to pick a fresh fruit, sat on the swing under the banyan tree and ate it. This time She plans to stay in Lingbei for a few more days, firstly to punish the man for his sinful behavior, and secondly, the commercial street in Lingbei is about to open, and she does have a lot to do!

The sun came out, shining brightly on the commercial street, giving a clear view of the commercial street.

Caiwei flashed out of the space and took a closer look at her commercial street. The result was very satisfying to her.

Tuoba Liang is indeed a trustworthy person. He built the commercial street very elegantly, with smooth and wide bluestone streets. On both sides of the street are two-story buildings with carved railings and ink pavilions. Whether it is the street or the small building, the materials and workmanship are excellent. It is excellent and looks very high-end.

However, although there are many shops, only about one-third are open, and the rest are not open yet, with their doors closed, making it seem a little deserted.

Caiwei had breakfast at a breakfast shop and asked the waiter about Chaoyun's whereabouts. As soon as the waiter heard the word 'Chaoyun', he immediately enthusiastically took Caiwei to find Chaoyun.

Caiwei smiled secretly, it seems that Chaoyun has quite a lot of influence here!

On the way, the waiter expressed his admiration for Miss Chaoyun to Caiwei without hesitation.

"Miss Chaoyun is really a smart and wise woman. She knows everything. She is much better than us women in Lingbei. Even the young prince Tuoba Liang admires her!"

When Caiwei heard this, she said curiously: "Oh? The young prince also admires her endlessly? Why can't he admire her so much?"

The waiter said: "Our young prince admires the culture of the Jin Dynasty the most. Miss Chaoyun is well versed in poems, songs and poems, and her calligraphy is excellent. All the shops opened by the prince, without exception, have plaques written by Miss Chaoyun." Woolen cloth!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "It's just a word, it's not like you said 'endless admiration', it's really nonsense!"

The waiter said: "You're not talking nonsense. Everyone on this street knows that the young prince respects Miss Chaoyun very much. Someone once disrespected Miss Chaoyun and was beaten to pieces by the young prince on the spot. Everyone said, They all say that the prince treats Miss Chaoyun...hehe..."

The waiter started laughing, stopped talking, and said no more. However, even if he didn't say anything, Caiwei understood what he was going to say.

When she heard that Tuoba Liang liked Chaoyun, Caiwei was naturally happy. With Chaoyun's current appearance, anyone who could fall in love with her must like her as a person. Chaoyun could meet such a person, and she would be relieved. .

She has come into contact with Tuoba Liang. He is a young, promising and upright man. In terms of age and temperament, he and Chaoyun are considered a good match. If they can really achieve success, she will also be happy for Chaoyun. of!

Nowadays, Chaoyun lives in an empty shop on the commercial street with Aunt Liao's daughter Du Yueniang. When Caiwei went to find her, Du Yongqi, his wife and his wife Aunt Liao had already gone to the warehouse to take stock. After collecting the glass last night, only Du Yueniang and Du Yongqi's children and Chao Yun were at home. At this moment, Chao Yun had just had breakfast and was getting dressed to go to the shopping street!

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