Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1164 Turning green (4)

Seeing Caiwei coming, Chao Yun said happily: "Miss, you are finally here. Our shops were built more than ten days ago, and the shops you promised to Tuoba Liang are already open for business." , There is no movement here yet, we are just waiting for you to make the decision!"

Caiwei smiled and said, "Why are you so anxious? The house has just been built and needs to be left to dry for a few days before moving in. Otherwise, there will be moisture inside and living there will be bad for your health!"

Chaoyun said: "Miss, it's too late. The Du family and I, as well as the more than 100 people sent by the prince for you, have already moved in!" Lingbei is far away from Dajin, and Chaoyun is in Lingbei. Bei didn't know that Nangong Yi had ascended the throne, so he just called Nangong Yi the prince.

"Nangong Yi sent someone here?"

Caiwei didn't explain that the prince was already the emperor, but said happily: "Who has he sent here, and how long have they been here?" She was very happy, but she didn't expect that Nangong Yi would actually help her after just talking casually. It’s done, with these people and some of the things she has hoarded in her space, a large number of her shops will soon open!

Chaoyun said: "Most of them are craftsmen, doctors, chefs, embroiderers, shoemakers, they all do everything. There are three hundred and sixty jobs, which accounts for almost half! But, there are all people, Miss, when will we How about opening a shop?"

Caiwei said: "I plan to open an inn in the near future first, so that you can have a place to stay, and then open a jade shop, a medical clinic, a rice shop, a cloth shop, and in addition, open a few restaurants..."

Chaoyun took out the floor plan of the commercial street and showed it to Caiwei. About one-third of the shops on the floor plan were ticked. Caiwei knew clearly that those shops that were checked must be the shops picked up by Tuoba Liang. But fortunately, Tuoba Liang is quite kind. He didn't choose the good areas in the middle, but evenly selected the shops that he deserved.

Chaoyun said: "Miss, first take a look at where you plan to open the shops you mentioned. In addition, what do you plan to do with the remaining hundreds of shops? Do you want to keep them all to open your own shops?"

Caiwei said: "You can rent it out first in a leasing situation. After two years, when the business here develops, you will slowly take back the house and open your own store. Later I will go see those people sent by Nangong Yi." People, let them open their own shops as soon as possible according to the skills they are good at."

"Yeah, that's fine."

Chaoyun said: "It's just that Lingbei is a vast area with few people, so I'm afraid business won't be easy. Miss, you better be mentally prepared!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "I am not investing in Lingbei just to make money. You have also seen that the Monuments are still in a primitive and ignorant living state. They are stupid and backward. There is extreme inequality between people. Women's The status is even more worrisome. If you want to change the fundamental nature of a nation and make a nation progress, the best way is not to suppress them with force and force them to improve in the direction of civilization, but to make them rich. Only people's lives are rich. Only when they no longer work hard for a living can they think of improving their spiritual realm, and society will slowly develop in a harmonious direction; otherwise, if they can't even provide food and clothing, who will be in the mood to promote social progress?"

"Of course, money still has to be earned. Although Lingbei is separated from Dajin by Tianlun Mountain, they are not isolated from Liaodan. We can vigorously develop the business ties between Lingbei and Liaodan. With the backing of glass, Coupled with our careful management, Mengnu will soon become rich."

Her words convinced Chaoyun, and she said: "Miss, I didn't expect that you actually understand the righteousness and care about the world. I really admire Chaoyun. No wonder His Highness the Crown Prince will fall in love with you! To be honest, Mengnu is ignorant and backward. Especially the inequality between people, I can't stand it very much. However, even though I can't stand it, I never thought about changing their social status. I just criticized them verbally and wrote. I didn't expect that Miss You have such a big heart, Chaoyun really admires you."

Caiwei laughed and said, "Don't be too busy with admiration. Let's find a few reliable people first. I want to teach them how to make kebabs. There are many cattle and sheep in Lingbei, but I have seen them eat beef and mutton." Most of them are boiled in water, and even if they are grilled, they are just cooked randomly, so my kebabs will definitely be popular in Lingbei!"

"This is a good idea, Miss!"

Chaoyun agreed and said: "The cooking skills of the Mengnu people are really bad. It makes people sick when they eat. As long as our Dajin restaurant opens here, it will definitely overwhelm those Mengnu restaurants." It’s yellow!"

"Haha, I thought so too!"

The two of them went to find someone together. Along the way, everyone who saw Chaoyun, whether they were from Mengnu or Dajin, all without exception saluted Chaoyun respectfully and called out: "Chaoyun." Miss!"

Caiwei smiled and said, "I didn't expect that Sister Chaoyun would already be so popular just one month after she came here. It seems that Sister Chaoyun's personality charm cannot be stopped even by national borders!"

Chao Yun said: "Young lady is making fun of me. It's not about popularity or charisma. It's just that the eldest lady has given me the right to take charge of all matters in Lingbei. Everyone, for the eldest lady's sake, just give me three points."

Caiwei joked: "It would be fair to say that the people of Jin Dynasty are respectful to Sister Chaoyun because of my shame, but those Mengnu people are so respectful to Sister Chaoyun, and they say it is because of my reputation. It’s a bit far-fetched."

Chao Yun pursed his lips and said, "Maybe they saw that everyone respected me, so they followed suit."

Caiwei chuckled and said, "Sister Chaoyun is smart and wise, with a unique personality. Anyone would respect her. If there is any blind person who dares to disrespect her, he will definitely be beaten to the ground by her admirers. of."

Hearing this, Chao Yun's ears suddenly turned red, and he turned his face to one side unnaturally, changing the subject and saying, "Many shops will be opened in the future, and the few people sent by His Highness the Crown Prince alone will not be enough to manage them. I wonder what your plans are, Miss?"

Chao Yun changed the subject, as if he didn't want to talk about her affair with the young prince. Cai Wei was not in a hurry. Anyway, she planned to stay in Lingbei for a few days. These few days were enough for her to understand the truth!

"Don't worry about this. From now on, if there are serious criminals in the court, they will be sent to Lingbei as slaves. At that time, they will be all yours to dispatch. I'm afraid you will have days when you have no place to arrange people!"

When Xiangyun heard that someone was taking care of him, he immediately became happy and said, "It's good to have someone to take care of me. I'm worried that there are too many shops, and only the two hundred of us can't handle them!"

The two of them were walking and talking. Inadvertently, Caiwei suddenly saw a few strange men. The appearance and dress of these men were no different from the Mengnu people, but there was something obviously wrong with their eyes.

In her previous life, Caiwei was a bodyguard, so she was extremely sensitive. When the men who were wandering around her and seemed to be passing by appeared in her sight, Caiwei immediately became a little alert.

However, Caiwei didn't take these people seriously yet. After noticing, she just sneered and continued talking to Chao Yun. However, there was a bit more sharp evil spirit in those cold eyes!

If you want to die, go ahead...

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