Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1171 Chao Yun’s Thoughts (1)

Five days later, more than a dozen shops opened on the commercial street in Lingbei, including pawn shops, inns, medical shops, jade shops, ginseng shops, clothing shops, rice shops, Zhenbao Pavilion branches, barbecue restaurants, hot pot restaurants, and spicy restaurants. Ironing shop, etc….

Every time a store opens, there will be a prize-giving activity, making the entire commercial street more lively than ever. In addition, the shops opened by Caiwei are very popular, making the commercial street much more lively and prosperous than before!

In addition to the shops that have been opened, Caiwei has made targeted plans and implemented some plans based on the different specialties of the people sent by Nangong Yi. It is expected that dozens of shops will be opened in the next month.

However, she didn't have time to wait until those shops were opened. She had already left the capital for seven or eight days, and she could think of her man's face with her toes. She had to go back quickly.

In fact, according to the original plan, she should have returned yesterday, but due to Chaoyun's relationship, her trip was delayed by one day.

Because she knew that the young prince Tuoba Liang was very good to Chao Yun, she wanted to know what Tuo Ba Liang's attitude was towards Chao Yun. Chao Yun had no relatives, so she had to help her check, but in the first few days after she arrived, Tuoba Kui, a great Han from Mengnu, took the nobles of Mengnu to Tianlun Mountain (called Karen Mountain by Mengnu and Liaodan people) to worship the God of Karen. They did not return until today.

As soon as Tuoba Liang returned to the royal city, he couldn't wait to find Chao Laoyun and gave her two fine black fox skins, saying that he had hunted them and kept them for her to make a coat for the winter.

Those two pieces of leather were shiny and shiny, with neat fur. You could tell at first sight that they were top-grade furs. They would be warm to wear in the winter when they were made into coats.

However, Chaoyun refused. She said politely and distantly: "I have a winter coat, so I don't need to worry about it."

Tuoba Liang said unconcernedly: "The coat you wear in Dajin can handle the winter in your Dajin. But in our Lingbei, if you wear your kind of coat to go out in winter, you will not go out for more than a mile." It can freeze people to death. We Meng slaves usually wear jackets inside and fur coats outside during the winter. Don't refuse, just take it!"

As he said that, the two fox skins in his hand were stuffed into Chao Yun's hands. Chaoyun declined and said, "If you don't get rewarded for your merits, how can Chaoyun be so virtuous? How dare you accept gifts from the young prince?"

Tuoba Liang smiled and said: "We are friends and confidants. Why should we be so polite when giving two pieces of leather to friends and confidants? Besides, you have helped me a lot before, and you wrote all my stores." As for the plaque, doesn’t this count as my reward for you?"

However, Chaoyun still refused to accept it. She put her hands behind her back and said decisively: "The young prince praises me too much. Chaoyun is just a servant. I dare not treat the young prince as a friend. You are our young lady's cooperation." Partner, helping you is Chao Yun's responsibility and does not deserve your reward."

On the side, Caiwei saw clearly that it turned out that Tuoba Liang was worried about shaving his head. Chaoyun was not attracted to him at all. Not only was he not attracted, he was even rejecting him. However, he did not dare to do so due to his identity. Just reject him sternly.

Tuoba Liang felt very unhappy when he saw that Chaoyun even said that he was a servant in order to reject him. He put down the two pieces of leather and said displeasedly: "I have never taken back what I gave you. However, if Miss Chaoyun doesn’t want it, just give it away or throw it away!"

After that, he left with a sullen face.

As soon as he left, Caiwei asked with a curious smile: "Sister Chaoyun, they say that the most rare thing in the world is someone who treats you sincerely. I think young prince Tuoba Liang is a very good person. He can stand up to your image." When I fell in love with you, I must be someone who can treat you sincerely, so why would my sister reject someone thousands of miles away?"

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